Curricular Unit:Code:
Management of Energy Efficiency997GEE
1UndergraduateQuality, Environment and Safety Management6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This UC aims to transmit the knowledge of the various forms of energy, as well as the environmental impacts resulting from its exploitation and use. It is also the UC's objective to present the current energy management legislation.
The transversal competences to be worked:
• Autonomous and team work;
• Capacity of Organization and Planning;
• Ability to make decisions;
• Self-learning ability;
• Ability to apply knowledge;
• Ability to adapt to new situations;
• Oral and written communication skills;
• Development of interpersonal relationships.
In the end, the student should have specific skills such as:
• Know the role of energy in the various models of human development;
• Know the different energy resources, forms of production and associated environmental impacts;
• Know the energy policies, national and international;
• Know the energy management legislation (SGCIE and RGCEST).
Basic concepts: energy concept and its relationship with the environment. Energy resources: Energy: production and environmental impact; energy statistics: primary energy supply; Global production of electricity; Energy indicators; Future projections. Energy policy of the European Union: Community Resolutions on energy; Cooperation from member states with non-EU countries. Portuguese energy system: the national energy system characterization; National energy balance; National system of production, transport and distribution of energy; National policies for energy. Support for power management: Specific consumption concept of energy; Accounting and energy management; SGCIE - Management System of Intensive Energy Consumption.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus covers the objectives formulated for the course including the basic concepts of energy and environment, resources and consumption statistics, production methods and environmental impact, national and European policy for energy as well as the presentation of legislation of concern including legislation about energy management.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodologies are mainly expositive, interrogative and demonstrative, both during classes and tutorial orientation sessions. Case-studies are frequently used, in order to allow the interpretation and correct application of theoretical knowledge. Students are encouraged and oriented to perform research essays. Whenever possible, lectures with external guests are promoted.
The evaluation is continuous, through the practical application of knowledge in individual or group assignments, and research essays.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodologies of teaching and learning of this course were programmed in order to maximize a global view of environmental problems by the students as well as the policies and techniques applicable in its resolution. It is intended that students internalize their role as future environmental engineers. The teaching methodologies are consistent with the objectives of the curricular unit as the expositive methodology combined with the analysis of case studies; works and development of enable a good comprehension of the challenge posed to the future professionals.
-Andrews, J. and Jelley, N. – Energy Science, Principles, technologies and impacts. Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-19-928112-1.
-International Energy Agency. Em linha:
-RELATÓRIO DA COMISSÃO AO PARLAMENTO EUROPEU, AO CONSELHO, AO COMITÉ ECONÓMICO E SOCIAL EUROPEU E AO COMITÉ DAS REGIÕES. Relatório sobre os progressos no domínio das energias renováveis; {SWD(2013) 102 final.
-Decreto-Lei 71/2008, de 15 de Abril (Estabelece o Sistema de Gestão do Consumo de Energia por empresas e instalações consumidoras intensivas - SGCIE) e Decreto-Lei 118/2013; Despacho 17449/2008, de 27 de Julho (sistema de gestão dos consumos intensivos de energia – auditorias); -Despacho 17313/2008, de 26 de Julho (sistema de gestão dos consumos intensivos de energia – Fatores de Conversão;
-DGEG. Em linha:
-APA, 2018. Relatório do Estado do ambiente 2018.