Curricular Unit:Code:
Materials Resistance II1034REM2
2UndergraduateCivil Engineering7 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Notion of stress states and deformation within deformable solids. Development of the concept of equilibrium and compatibility in structural mechanics. Development of problem analysis capability involving the mechanical behavior of deformable solids. Determination of the states of tensions, extensions and deformations fields in frame structures subject to several requests. Notion of design criteria and structures of security check. Development of simple structures.
Mechanics of materials. Deformation. Bending. Shear. Torsion. Buckling.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus presented in covering the areas of essential knowledge and consistent to achieve the learning objectives formulated as the topics included in the program as the concepts of stresses in bars due to loads and buckling and its application to case studies.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Expositive, descriptive and demonstrative methodology resorting to the resolution of examples, and an individual practical assignment.
1 - Continuous evaluation
The final grade of the curricular unit results from the weighted average of the assessment components considering the following percentages: (i) Frequency 1 (33,3%); (ii) Frequency 2 (33,3%); (iii) Frequency 3 (33,3%).
2 - Examination of Resource / Special Time
The final classification of the subject is obtained by the resolution of a written examination (100%). The final classification of the subject may be pending the provision of additional oral test, in accordance with the statutes of the UFP.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies are consistent with the goals formulated for the course as support the development-oriented study, so that the student is able to perform tasks autonomously. It aims to establish a parallel between the theory and practice applied to real problems that enable the student to solve current design problems in construction.
[1] Sebenta da disciplina escrita por Ricardo Teixeira e Celeste Almeida.
[2] Dias da Silva, Vítor; Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais; Editora ZUARI; Coimbra; 2004.
[3] Beer & Johnston; Mecânica dos Materiais; Edições McGraw-Hill de Portugal, Lda.; 2006 (4.ª edição).
[4] Textos de apoio fornecidos pelo docente.