Curricular Unit:Code:
Materials Resistance I1034REM1
1UndergraduateCivil Engineering8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The aim of this course is to transmit the students the basic knowledge of materials resistance, essential to any civil engineer. In the end of the semester the student must be capable of:
- determine the behavior of deformable solid bodies when requested for exterior forces;
- evaluate stresses and deformations in any point of linear elements when submitted the axial efforts;
- calculate the gravity or mass centers, static and inertia moments of plain figures;
- determine the stresses due to shear force and simple bending; to determine the deformation of transversally loaded beams.
1. Fundamental concepts of Strength of Materials: linear parts, the basic assumptions, principles and types of efforts, the general criteria of safety,
support reactions,
2. Axial, tensile and compressive, shear and bending,
3. Plane sections of the geometric characteristics of parts prismatic.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The presented syllabus covers the essential areas of knowledge to achieve the objectives set out in, as the topics included in the program as the fundamentals of Strength of Materials and Statics, the axial and the geometrical characteristics of the sections of prismatic parts, covering the main aspects of study that enables students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical cases, including basics of Strength of Materials, necessary for the development of other courses, including Strength of Materials II and Structural Mechanics, essential a civil engineer.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical-practical classes will be subject to a methodology expository, descriptive and demonstrative, using the resolution of practical exercises so that students internalize the theoretical concepts associated with this matter, namely the concepts of stress, strain and effort, concepts associated with the basic effort, concepts related to geometric features of the flat sections of prismatic parts.
Practical classes - Laboratory will be used for demonstration and practical methodology, using testing related to the syllabus in order to acquire skills in performing laboratory tests and test in practice the acquired concepts in theoretical and practical.
1 - Theoretical component assessmentt: 2 written tests, corresponding each to 1/2 of the final theoretical component classification.
2 - Laboratory practical component assessment: Reports of 4 laboratory tests and a written test, corresponding to 1/3 e 2/3 of the final laboratory practical component classification, respetively.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies are consistent with the objectives set for the course because of the study support the development-oriented, seeking to establish a parallelism between the theory and practice applied to real problems that enable students to determine the behavior of deformable solid bodies when requested by outward actions of different nature and identify the type of structures as to their degree of stateness, ensuring a solid foundation for further development in other practice courses this cycle.
[1] Silva, Vítor Dias (1995); Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais; Editora Ediliber; Coimbra;
[2] Timoshenko, Stephen P. (1976); Resistência dos Materiais; Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora, SA; Rio de Janeiro;
[3] Massonnete, Charles (1968); Résistance des Matériaux;Ed. Dunod; Paris;
[4] Beer & Johnston (2003); Mecânica dos Materiais; Edições McGraw-Hill de Portugal, Lda.(3.ª edição);
[5] Beer & Johnston Jr.; Mecânica Vectorial para Engenheiros; Edições McGraw-Hill (3.ª edição);
[6] Nash, William A. (2001); Resistência dos Materiais; Edições McGraw-Hill de Portugal, Lda.;
[7] R.C. Hibbeler (2004); Resistência dos Materiais (5ª edição); Edições Pearson Education, Brasil;
[8] Fonseca, Adhemar. (1972); Curso de Mecânica - Volume II - Estática; Edições Livro Técnico S.A.;
[9] Miroliubov, I. e outros, (1978); Problemas de Resistência dos Materiais; Editora MIR MOSCOU
[10] Pimentel, José / Apontamentos de apoio à disciplina de Resistência dos Materiais 1; UFP.