Curricular Unit:Code:
Thermal, Acoustic and Ventilation Project828PTAV
1MasterCivil Engineering7 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To understand the mechanisms of sound transmission and sound obstruction in the exterior;
To understand the mechanisms of aerial and percussion sound transmission in the interior of buildings;
To know the Regulations and Norms applicable to Building Acoustics;
To realize projects of building acoustics requisites
To describe and analyse the comfort conditions for human body;
To know the Regulations and Norms applicable to Thermal and Ventilation Conditions of Buildings ;
To realize Thermal Projects of Buildings;
To describe and analyse the heat transmission process.
Conception and Dimensioning of Natural Ventilations Systems; Natural Ventilation Systems Project. Initial data for the execution of thermal project, Verification of Regulatory Thermal Requirements, Calculation of Nominal Energetic Requirements, Thermal Project. Treatment and Acoustic Insulation, Exterior Acoustics, Aerial Noise in Interior Acoustics, Percussion Noise in Interior Acoustics, Architectural Acoustics, Acoustics Project.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The course contents are consistent with the objectives set for the course because the topics included in the program cover the main aspects of the study starting by recalling several basic concepts and ending up in project implementation itself.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodologies are mainly expositive, interrogative and demonstrative, both during classes and tutorial orientation sessions. Case-studies are frequently used, in order to allow the interpretation and correct application of theoretical knowledge. Students are encouraged and oriented to perform research essays. Whenever possible, lectures with external guests are promoted.
The evaluation is continuous, through the practical application of knowledge in individual assignments, projects and research essays (35% of the final classification). Two evaluation tests will be carried out (65% of the final classification).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies are consistent with the objectives of the curricular unit as the expositive methodology combined with the analysis of case studies and the project execution, works and development of enable a good comprehension of the challenge posed to civil engineering.
- Viegas, João C. (2010); Ventilação natural de edifícios de habitação; LNEC;
- Ferreira, Miguel J. (2004); Caudais de ventilação recomendados para edifícios residenciais: Impacto ao Nível do Conforto Térmico e do Consumo de Energia para Aquecimento; Dissertação de em Construção de Edifícios, FEUP;
- NP 1037-1 (2002); IPQ;
- Santos, Carlos; Matias, Luís – Coeficientes de Transmissão Térmica de Elementos da Envolvente dos Edifícios, ITE 50, L.N.E.C., Lisboa, 2006;
- Rodrigues, António M. et al (2009) Térmica de Edifícios - Editora ORION;
- Ferreira, Miguel (2017); Isolamentos térmicos refletantes de baixa emissividade- Tese de Doutoramento; FEUP; Portugal;
- Legislação – Térmica de Edifícios: Decreto-Lei n.º 101-D/2020 (e correspondentes Portarias e Despachos relacionados);
- Patrício, Jorge (2018); Acústica nos edifícios; 7ª edição, Engebook; Portugal;
- R.R.A.E. -Decreto-Lei n.º 96/2008 de 9/6;
- R. G. R. - Decreto-Lei 9/2007 de 17/1.