Curricular Unit:Code:
Urbanization Projects905PURB
1MasterCivil Engineering4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
It is looked to develop in the learning the knowledge of the territorial planning, politics of the soil and national and local Legislation applicable, fitting them in the context of the reality of the practical one in our country.
One intends, also, that the student develops a practical activity where he collates the knowledge gotten with its application in substances as: Basic sanitation, ways of communication and other infrastructures.
Town Planning, Planning levels and plans. Urban right and Soil Policy in the council planning. Urban Design: Urban system, Urban networks, The housing sector. Urban plots. Study case. Development of acquired bases in order to execute an urban scale project – Urban Plan, Detail Plan and Site Plan.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The course contents are consistent with the objectives set for the course, because the topics included in the program cover the main aspects of the study.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The UC is taught with lectures from exposure of the material listed, with the use of elements of observation and / or supporting experimental – theoretical and practical lessons dedicated to solving specific situations.
The evaluation process will include a periodic evaluation based on the following elements:
A. Assessment test, consisting of a theoretical part and a part of theory and practice.
B. Classification obtained through the arithmetic mean of several papers (including reports of study visits).
C. Participation in classroom theory and practice. Participation in classroom student understands not only your interest and participation in class, but also their participation and performance in lecture-discussion of topics proposed by teachers, members of matters of discipline, and prepared by students independently.
The final grade the student is calculated by the equation:
Final grade = 0,35*(A) + 0,35*(A) + 0,2*(B) + 0,1*(C)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies are consistent with the objectives of the curricular unit as the expositive methodology combined with the analysis of case studies, works and development of enable a good comprehension of the challenge posed to civil engineering.
BRANCO-TEIXEIRA, M. - “Contextos de Referência nas Reconversões de Espaços Urbanos”, A Obra Nasce, UFP, pp. 78-93, 2004.
COSTA LOBO, M. et al. - Normas Urbanísticas: Princípios e conceitos fundamentais. Vol. 1, DGOT, UNL, Lisboa, 1990.
Decreto-Lei nº 136/2014 de 9 de Setembro, Regime Jurídico da Edificação e da Urbanização,
Lei nº 31/2014, de 30 de Maio - Lei de Bases Gerais da Pol. Púb. de Solos, de Ord. do Ter. e de Urbanismo.
Decreto-Lei nº 80/2015 de 14 de Maio , Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial.
Lei nº 58/2007 de 4 de Setembro, Programa Nacional da Política de Ordenamento do Território.
MARQUES, T. SÁ - Portugal na Transição do Século: Retratos e Dinâmicas Territoriais, Edições Afrontamento, 2004.