Curricular Unit:Code:
Seminar II145SEM2
5MasterArchitecture and Urbanism3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English39
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Setting aside the technical component linked to the specificity of Eco-architecture and Eco-urbanism, which has been amply divulged and explored, this unit is centered on references, concepts and ideas that consubstantiate the thesis of the current emergence of a new behavioral paradigm, of an eco-centric nature, to which architecture and urbanism, as cultural acts, cannot ignore.
At the end of the semester the student should be able to discuss the way ecology is currently informing architecture and urbanism, not only through the environmental component which is evident, but essentially as a complex, logical structure – the ecologised thought – capable of theoretically reorganising words such as sustainability, eco-architecture, eco-urbanism, organic architecture or green architecture, in the enlarged historic subject matter, grounded in the past, the present and with speculative ambition for the future.
1. Architecture ( s) Territory
2. Urban Morphology in different territorial contexts
3. City and Architecture
4. (s ) Town (s ) in the City
5. The plan shape in the form of the City
6. Territorial morphologies
7. Prominence of the Void : urbanity Territory
8. Ecological thinking and sustainability of the Urban Space
9. Comprehensive living
10. Rehabilitation and Sustainability of the built heritage
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus of this UC is initially directed to the study of concepts related to the theme perceived on the framework of its social, economic disciplinary context. The analysis of a selection of case studies aims to promote the applied study of the concepts as well as to set the basis for further debate. At the end of the semester it is promoted a critical reflection on the concepts discussed. Based on a transdiciplinary approach and bibliography the students should then be able to discuss the way ecology is currently informing architecture and urbanism, not only through the environmental component which is evident, but essentially as a complex, logical structure – the ecologised thought
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The evaluation method of the course is based on continuous assessment model and focuses on how students participate in seminars: reflection on the proposed topic; participation in the discussion and presentation of the results grounded on specific bibliography. Throughout the semester it will be proposed two topics for debate. Between the seminars several lectures introduce the main issues to be discussed. The participation of students in classes is normally required. The minimum frequency is stipulated in a specific Regulation.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The "Seminar" format proposed to this UC allows students not only to understand the program indicated, as well as to acquire new skills: ability to integrate complex knowledge and to produce a judgment on the issues addressed; ability to communicate their findings, the knowledge and the respective reasoning in a clear and rigorous way; domain of scientific methodology and greater interest in research. Given the transdisciplinarity of the subjects addressed and the degree of complexity of their correlation, it is considered that the chronology of the topics covered and the typology of classes adopted (seminars) are appropriate to the learning objectives proposed for this course.
[1] Gauzin-Muller, Dominique (2002).Arquitectura Ecológica. Barcelona; Editorial Gustavo Gili SA.
[2] Gissen, David, Ed. (2002). Big & Green : toward sustainable architecture in the 21st century. New York; Princeton Architectural Press.
[3] Goldsmith, Edouard (1995). O Desafio Ecológico. Lisboa; Instituto Piaget.
[4] Hough, Michael (1998). Naturaleza y Ciudad. Barcelona; Editorial Gustavo Gili, SA.
[5] Jencks, Charles (1997). The architecture of the jumping universe. Londres. Academy editions.
[6] Ruano, Miguel (1999).EcoUrbanismo : Entornos Humanos Sostenibles. Barcelona; Editorial Gustavo Gili, SA.
[7] Morin, Edgar (2001). O Desafio do Século XXI : Religar os Conhecimentos. Lisboa; Instituto Piaget.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Sara Sucena (