Curricular Unit:Code:
Theory of Architecture270TARQ
3MasterArchitecture and Urbanism8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Students should be able to:
-put historical and architectural analysis in perspective as an objectly justified form of opinion.
-distinguish and explain several paradigms of analysis of architecture;
-synthesize some of the variants and constants of the historical process of Portuguese architecture;
-read from a given architectural example a certain set of spatial, technical and formal characteristics and interpret them.
1. Methodologies of analysis and synthesis in Art and Architectural History
1.1. aesthetic and dialectic - pre-scientific approaches
1.2. Positivism
1.3. the Vienna School and Formalism
1.4. Iconology and the Warburg Institute
1.5. sociological approaches
1.6. Structuralism
2. Theoretical paradigms applied to Portuguese architecture from Early Modern to the Contemporary Age
2.1. Eclecticism & technical architectures
2.2. Art Nouveau as a national and rational path
2.3. Art Deco as the first Portuguese modernity
2.4. the situation of architecture under fascism
2.5. the Modern Movement
2.6. revised modernity – Critical Regionalism and Late-Modernism
2.7. SAAL e post-modernism
2.8. the contemporary period
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus presented covers the essential areas of knowledge and is consistent with the proposed objectives, balancing an introduction to several philosophies and methods of analysis in History of Art and Architecture, with experimental use of them, taking modern Portuguese architecture as a case-study - in class inasmuch as in the assignments - enabling students to see architectural analysis and history of architecture in a critical fashion, and to understand the gains of resorting to methodological perspectives.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
This unit will be subject to expositive, descriptive and demonstrative methodologies, in the course of the theoretical and theoretical-practical sessions in order to present information that enables the formation of a broad interpretative framework of the history of Western architecture, and to develop a critical approach to pre-contemporary architecture.
To pass this course the students will need to ensure that the contact ECTS for the course are achieved. To fulfill this requirement, the student will need to comply with the required attendance, particularly the sessions defined as theoretical-practical, that correspond to the moments of formal evaluation and discussion of the individual research assignments.
The pace and quality with which students achieve the cumulative learning goals proposed will be verified through a process of continuous assessment, in their contribution in classes, and measured in the elaboration of a paper and through a series of written tests.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies strive to bring in accordance the teaching practices and the evaluation methods with the learning objectives defined, on the goal of developing a critical and analytical conscience of historical architecture. Lectures rely on contextual characterization of architectural periods and illustrate it by specific building analysis. Evaluation balances formal assessment through written tests (even so, designed to inquire on conceptual understanding rather than factual memorization) with individual case-studying, paired with the development of autonomous learning skills, and those involved in written and oral communication of research.
AAVV. (1991). Cassiano Branco. Lisboa: ASA.
ALMEIDA,P.V.(2002). Arquitectura no Estado Novo. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
ARGAN, G. C.; FAGIOLO, M. (1992). Guia de História da Arte. Lisboa: Estampa.
FERNANDES, J. M. (1982). Arquitectura Modernista em Portugal – 1890/1940. Lisboa: Gradiva.
FERNANDES, J. M. (2003). Português Suave: arquitecturas do Estado Novo. Lisboa: Ministério da Cultura/IPPA.
FERNANDEZ, S. (1988). Percurso. Porto: FAUP.
FRANÇA, J. A. (2004). História da Arte em Portugal – o Pombalismo e o Romantismo. Lisboa: Presença.
PATETTA, L. (1975). Storia dell'architettura-antologia critica. Milão: Fabri.
TOUSSAINT, M. (1996/97). “Viana de Lima: um percurso moderno”, in JA, ano XIV/XV, n.º 166/167, Dez/Jan, pp. 30-37. Lisboa: OA.
TRIGUEIROS, L.; SAT, C. (2003). Raul Lino 1879-1974. Lisboa: Blau.