Curricular Unit:Code:
Urban Planning and Equipments270PUE
3MasterArchitecture and Urbanism5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This subject is intended to give the student a more profound knowledge in terms of urban planning. It corresponds to an extention of the work developed in Spatial Planning. Through these lessons students will be able to deal with the main tools in the planning system at local level, and how to analyse local conditions to be considered in urban, housing, and equipment planning. This is only possible if the student comprehends all the mechanisms an logics in activity distribution and development, and how they contribute to the spatial construction.
Local spatial planning policy, Local plans, The housing sector: The housing system structure, Agents and instruments in housing policy, means of provision. Infrastructure and equipment planning. Spatial intervention and urban environment: The urban regeneration in historic city centres, Urban structure dynamics: urban development factors, urban economics and urban growth, The spatial competition between land uses, Industrial Structures, The case of Oporto Metropolitan Area, Sustainable development. Equipment and infrastructure planning; Equipment and infrastructure types, planning methods, Equipment and infrastructure demand and supply.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus presented cover the essential areas of knowledge and consistent to achieve the objectives set out in, as the topics included in the program such as planning, policy and national land management process growth and urban development, encompassing the main aspects of the study, which enables the student to produce a territorial diagnosis involving its main components, as well as finding a set of measures, strategies and policies to improve the quality of a given territory.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The UC is taught with lectures from exposure of the material listed, with the use of elements of observation and / or supporting experimental – theoretical and practical lessons dedicated to solving specific situations.
The evaluation process will include a periodic evaluation based on the following elements:
A. Classification obtained through the Practice paper.
B. Classification obtained through the Theory-Practice paper.
The final grade the student is calculated by the equation:
Final grade = 0,6*(A) + 0,4*(B)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies are consistent with the objectives set for the course because of the study support the development-oriented, seeking to establish a parallelism between the theory and practice applied to real problems that enable students to apply the tools necessary to perform work consultancy in the area of planning and planning and management of land and their uses.
Branco-Teixeira, M. (2007). A Integração das Infraestruturas no Planeamento do Território: o Papel das TIC na Cultura do Planeador. Tese de Doutoramento, FEUP.
Direção-Geral do Território (2018). Programa Nacional da Política de Ordenamento do Território (PNPOT)/Alteração – Uma Agenda para o Território. Programa de Ação.
DGOTDU (2002). Normas para a Programação e Caracterização de Equipamentos Colectivos. ISBN 972-8569-26-2.
DGOTDU (2011). Acessibilidade, Mobilidade e Logística Urbana. ISBN 978-972-8569-50-1.
European Union (2019). The Future of Cities - Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward. Joint Research Centre. ISBN 978-92-76-03847-4. doi:10.2760/375209.
IHRU (2015). Estratégia Nacional para a Habitação - Desafios e Mudanças.