Curricular Unit:Code:
History of Portuguese Architecture270HAP
3MasterArchitecture and Urbanism6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Students should be able to:
-put historical and architectural analysis in perspective as a justified form of opinion.
-synthesize some of the variants and constants of the history of architecture in Portugal;
-identify and date broad cohesive periods of architecture;
-apprehend and differentiate notions of mind set, style, building and formal practices and agents in connection to these periods;
-read from a given architectural example a certain set of spatial, technical and formal characteristics and situate them/it within the synchronic and diachronic context of Portuguese architecture.
1. Introduction
1.1. methodologies of analysis and synthesis in Art History;
1.2. content and approach options taken;
2. from the Portuguese independence to the end of the medieval period
2.1. from roman to Romanesque
2.1.1. pre-Romanesque
2.1.2. Romanesque
2.2. the Gothic cycle
2.2.1. from Cistercians and the military orders to mendicant architecture
2.2.2. Batalha monastery and the late Gothic
2.2.3. the architecture of the manuelino period
3. the classical language system
3.1. the 1st classicist paradigm in Portugal
3.1.1. Renaissance
3.1.2. Mannerism
3.1.3. “Plain Architecture”
3.1.4. the architecture of the Portuguese Restoration
3.2. the 2nd classicist paradigm in Portugal
3.2.1. Baroque, from João Antunes to D. João V
3.2.2. Northern Baroque and Rococo reflections
3.2.3. Pombaline and Neoclassical architecture
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus presented covers the essential areas of knowledge and is consistent with the propposed objectives, as the topics included in the program, from methodological options of analysis, inasmuch as the specific study of architectural periods resorting to these different perspectives, cover the main aspects of research, thus enabling students to form a critical approach to pre-modern Portuguese architecture.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The unit will be subject to expositive, descriptive and demonstrative methodologies, on theoretical and theoretical-practical sessions in order to present information that aims at forming a broad interpretative framework of the history of pre-modern Portuguese architecture, and thus develop a critical approach.
To pass this course the students will need to meet the contact ECTS defined. Students will need to comply with the required attendance, particularly sessions defined as theoretical-practical, corresponding to moments of formal evaluation and discussion of the assignment.
The pace and quality with which students achieve the learning goals will be verified through a process of continuous assessment, by their contribution in class, and measured through a paper.
The final grade results from the work leading up to the paper (assessed by 4 evaluation moments: two exploratory presentations, the paper and its final oral presentation).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies strive to bring in accordance the teaching practices and the evaluation methods with the learning objectives defined, on the goal of developing a critical and analytical conscience of modern architecture. Lectures rely on contextual characterization of architectural periods and illustrate it by specific building analysis. Evaluation balances formal assessment of the grasp of general information with individual case-studying, paired with the development of autonomous learning skills, and those involved in written and oral communication of research.
[1] AAVV. (1986). História da Arte em Portugal. Lisboa: Alfa.
[2] ALMEIDA, C. A. F. (2001). História da Arte em Portugal - O Românico. Lisboa: Presença.
[3] ALMEIDA, C. A. F., BARROCA, M. J. (2002). História da Arte em Portugal - O Gótico. Lisboa: Presença.
[4] CORREIA, J. E. H. (1991). Arquitectura Portuguesa - Renascimento. Maneirismo, Estilo Chão. Lisboa: Presença.
[5] FRANÇA, J. A. (2004). História da Arte em Portugal – o Pombalismo e o Romantismo. Lisboa: Presença.
[6] MATTOSO, J. (1993). História de Portugal. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
[7] NORBERG-SCHULZ, C. (1988). La signification dans l'Architecture Occidentale. Bruxelas: Pierre Mardaga.
[8] SERRÃO, V. (2003). História da Arte em Portugal - O Barroco. Lisboa: Presença.
[9] PEREIRA, P. (2011). Arte Portuguesa - história essencial. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
[10] PEREIRA, P. (1995). História da Arte Portuguesa. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.