Curricular Unit:Code:
Project III270PJ03
2MasterArchitecture and Urbanism10 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- To analyze the different elements of dwellings in the perspective of multifamily and single-family housing.
- To produce a diagnosis of the major vital functions of residential buildings.
- To provide the capacity to use different types of housing and handling in a manner that allows the development of well-designed spaces.
- To know how to substantiate theoretically the achieved conclusions; to be able to communicate the results, either orally, written or graphically.
- To present architectural projects that reflect research, but also the knowledge and the accumulated skills learned during the semester; to distinguish the programmatic functions, the urban insertion, and the elements featured in the architecture morphological-types.
- To be able to develop the different stages of the project; to control the morphological aspects of architectural language; to interact the aesthetics and the design with the theory.
1. Program, methodology and urban data collection.
- Urban elements: topography, roads and pathways.
- Program and functional distribution.
- Dimensions and size of the intervention area and programmatic spaces.
- Morphological type relationship between preexistent buildings and its continuity/rupture options.
- Theoretical framework of the project.
2. Settings and meanings: spatial research and ways of inhabit the space.
- Models and references: concepts and articulation of speech;
- Relations between proposed and existent forms;
- Architectural typology;
3. The Habitat
- Outer space and the building surroundings;
- Architectural concepts: morphological proposal;
4. Building constructive systems
- Constructive options: structural systems
5. Complementary Activities
- Esboceto;
- Fieldwork;
- Research of paradigmatic or model examples of architecture.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The course unit aims to provide the skills to perform exercises on specific assignments. These exercises will be based on research about a single theme: the housing; the simulations of architectural intervention will be located in urban or abstract contexts in order to highlight the various stimulations and constraints that characterize the architectural process.
Within this context the students will draw up proposals that can go from the transformation of pre-existing architectural objects until the design of new housing buildings. Each one of these will be analyzed under its contemporary architecture relations between man, space, programmatic function, urban insertion and type-morphological elements.
The procedural route is continuous, beginning in matters of program and methodology (1), evolving into architectural settings and meanings (2), and then thinking about ways of life (3), and finish in the architectural design of buildings (4).
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The practical classes will be given with the use of expository resources, including descriptive and demonstrative techniques; in the laboratory project classes there will be a continuous individual and group attendance in order to discuss and analyze the work progress; within the discussion sessions/collective critics, there will be used expository methodologies, integrated with graphic display elements, written pieces and oral viva voce. To obtain the subject approval, the student must fulfill the ECTS contact planned for the discipline. The student must ensure assiduity, especially in the lectures defined as theoretical. The pace at which students cumulative achieve the proposed goals will be verified through a process of continuous assessment by lecturer intervention in academic time. Also, this process must be present in the final portfolio (global synthesis work). The grade will result from the ranking of theoretical and practical work (informed by assessments related to each issu
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies are consistent and oriented according to the planned goals for the course unit. These goals aim to support the development of a targeted investigation in order to supply the knowledge and understanding of the distinct notions, like: - The elements that constitute residential buildings; the vital functions of buildings; the typologies and reference models. Therefore, in a first step, sustained by the students’ individual capacity and teamwork spirit, they will develop, through the design, an architectural process that includes construction practices. This will make the students act as agents capable of communicating information, ideas, problems, and to build examples throughout their architectural characteristics. In a second step, we try to draw a parallelism between the theory and practice applied to real issues, thereby helping to develop the student's ability to issue judgments and observe the historical analysis as a way to form the architectural opinion. This opinion must be objectively justified and must also reveal the capacity to identify, in time, types of uniforms periods in architectural practice. In a third step, this process is followed by the performance, between teachers and students, simulating different play roles like acting the author, the promoter, the builder or the client, setting goals and steps that require the expertise information of the different project phases, as well as the control of morphological aspects of architectural proposals in accordance with the programmatic principles proposed. In a fourth step, the students must prepare and present the conception work, basing their investigation upon the knowledge and skills accumulated during the semester. In this last phase is essential the ability to present differentially the elements that constitute the fundamental matrix of the project, namely: the programmatic function, the urban insertion, and the elements of urban form present in the proposed architectural object.
Livros e Monografias:
[1] CULLEN, Gordon, Paisagem Urbana, Lisboa : Edições 70, 1993. - 201 p.; ISBN 972-44-0530-3; ref. UFP:BM 711/CUL/1170.
[2] QUARONI, Ludovico, Proyectar un Edifício: Ocho lecciones de Arquitectura, Xarait, Madrid, 1980.
[3]CHING, Francis D. K., Arquitetura : forma, espaço e ordem, São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1998. - 399 p.; ISBN 85-336-0874-8; ref.UFP: BFP 72.01/CHI/54.
[4]NEUFERT, Ernst, Arte de projetar em Arquitetura, São Paulo : Gustavo Gili, 1998. - 432 p.; ISBN 84-252-1691-5; ref.UFP: BFP 72.012/NEU/55.
[5] BENEVOLO, Leonardo, Historia de la arquitectura moderna, Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 1987. - 1145 p.; ISBN 84-252-0797-5; ref. UFP: BFP 71:72/BEN/88
[6] NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian, Existencia, Espacio y Arquitectura, Ed. Blume, Barcelona, 1975.
[7]RGEU, Regulamento Geral das Edificações Urbanas.
[8]DECRETO-LEI nº 163/06 - Acessibilidade de pessoas com mobilidade condicionada