Curricular Unit:Code:
Speech Therapy in Multiple Disability860TFMU
1MasterSpeech Therapy (Child Speech)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
O1 - In depth knowledge of clinical risk factors and specific conditions and reflecting on possibilities for action
O2 - Understand and correlate aspects inherent to the complexity of the concept for multiple disabilities and discuss the underlying concepts reflected in its approach
O3 - Deepen knowledge about methodologies for assessment and intervention at multiple disabilities, specific materials and instruments used, demonstrating skills to apply specific strategies
O4 - Deepen knowledge related to motor control in multiple disabilities and related concepts, to promote skills on performing specific manipulative techniques
O5 - Acquire and develop knowledge about the development of functional curricula and self-learning skills
O6 - Correlate in a critically and reflected way the content of this unit and its relevance to the role of the speech therapist in an integrated interdisciplinary team
CP1. Human Development: Changes in development; Clinical risk factors and specific conditions
CP2. Holistic and multidimensional approach to multiple disabilities: Concept, characteristics and impact; Ecological perspective; Early Intervention; Family Centered Practices; Activities Centered Practices; Contextually Mediated Practices; Teamwork
CP3. Assessment and intervention in Complex Communication Needs in multiple disabilities: Key issues to be addressed; Methodologies for assessment and intervention; instruments; Specific strategies; Augmentative and Alternative Communication
CP4. Multiple disabilities and Motor Control: contribution of physiotherapy in the interdisciplinary team; multiple disabilities in motor control and related concepts; specific manipulative techniques.
CP5. Functional Curriculum in transition to active life: Concepts and related types of curriculum; The role of the family; Programs to support the Transition to Life After School
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus (CP) were delineated by learning objectives (O) of the unit, for students be able to develop skills that enable them to better understand, analyze and reflect critically on the approach to multiple disabilities, in particular with regard to the important contribution of Speech Therapist in this process. They intend to contribute to building a more adequate reasoning in the context of this theme, which constituted as a facilitator in analyzing situations and translating knowledge for professional practice. Thus:
CP1 corresponds to O1 and O6
CP2 corresponds to O2 and O6
CP3 corresponds to O3 and O6
CP4 corresponds to O4 and O6
CP5 corresponds to O5 and O6
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical and practical classes
Expository and participatory methodology with studies case. Presentation, analysis and discussion of the subjects taught in lectures, orientation/guidance for their critical reflections regarding research as well as literature reading research
Practical classes
Participatory approach to developing dynamic practices, analysis and exploration tools and materials and case studies. Guidance in critical thinking and analysis of specific situations. Experimentation with specific techniques.
- A written paper on a topic covered during the lessons (40%)
- Presentation and oral defense of the work developed (40%)
- Participation and involvement in activities developed during the lessons (20%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodology used in practical classes (more expository and participatory approach with studies case, presentation , analysis and discussion of the themes in lectures, as well as orientation/guidance for their critical reflections regarding research as well as literature reading research), allows students to obtain a better understanding and ability to discuss the content covered, promoting concept integration, ability to research, analysis and critical thinking, facilitating the work for speech therapist . With practical lessons, in which the methodology assumes a more participatory nature (with the development of dynamic practices and case studies, guidance on critical reflection and analysis of specific situations), is intended to provide the ability to apply knowledge in dynamic practices developed during lessons, experimenting various techniques and promoting skills in building an adequate and reflective reasoning, connecting to the professional practice of the speech therapist in addressing the multiple disabilities. Thus , it is considered that teaching methodologies adopted for this course are consistent with the goals set for it, since they allow increase knowledge of the content covered in lectures, where students have the ability to analyze , discuss and reflect what is relevant for a future practice of a Speech Therapist.
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Bishop, D. (2002) Desenvolvimento da linguagem em circunstâncias excepcionais. Rio de Janeiro : Revinter.
De Domenico, G. (2008). Técnicas de massagem de Beard. Princípios e práticas de manipulação de tecidos moles. Elsevier
McWilliam, R. A. (2012). Trabalhar com as Famílias de Crianças com Necessidades Especiais. Porto: Porto Editora.
Alant, E. & Lloyd, L. (ed.) (2005). Augmentative and alternative communication and severe disabilities : beyond poverty. London ; Philadelphia : Whurr Publishers.