Curricular Unit:Code:
Disorders of Autistic Spectrum860PEAU
1MasterSpeech Therapy (Child Speech)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1. increase knowledge of the main characteristics of the person with ASD in different stages of life
2. understand the explanatory multidimensional functioning of the person with ASD
3. To develop knowledge about the communicative profile of the person with ASD
4. Identify key features that allow you to make a differential diagnosis
5. Know and apply tools for screening / evaluation indicated for the PEA
6. Reflect, analyze and discuss about intervention programs for the person with ASD;
7. Develop critical thinking and ability to idealize a suitable and ecletic plan for the person with ASD and their families
8. Acquire a systemic vision concerning PEA, namely regarding its impact on the family
9. Understand the importance of food / nutrition as an integral part of the treatment of people with ASD
10. Understand the importance of intervention complemented with animals, namely horse riding, as part of the therapeutic approach in the PEA
11. Develop a critical analysis as to the person a
PCI: Concept of Autism
- Definition of Autism Spectrum disorder;
- Criteria from DSM - IV; DSM-V and ICD-10;
- Prevalence and Etiology;
- Explanatory neurocognitive theories of autism
CPII: Communicative profile of children with ASD
- Joint Attention
- Understanding and use of symbols
- Other characteristics of communicative profile
- Instruments for screening and evaluation of Persons with ASD:
- Global: CHAT; ADOS
- communication: CCC; Quill; checklists of SCERTS.
CPIII - Intervention Programmes aimed at children with autism (rationale, objectives, methodology, assessment and intervention agent)
3.1. ABA
3.2. teacch
3.3. PECS
3.4. DIR
3.5. Denver
3.7. Peer-Play
3.8. The intervention over the different life cycles
3.9. The intervention in PEA regarding the family
CPIV: Food and diet in PEA
4.1 Power over lifecycle
4.2. Nutritional challenges in the PEA
CPV- Therapeutic Equitation (EFT)
5.1 Strokes;
5.2 Basis and foundations;
5.3 Intervention.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The programmatic content covers key topics and current theoretical and practical applications related to the existing knowledge on the autistic spectrum disorder, allowing students to review background knowledge as well as acquire new useful knowledge to their professional activity.
An integrated and progressive exploration of the UC program, which aims, in addition to the development of knowledge, that students develop a critical ability and abilities provided in goals, thus ensuring consistency between program content and objectives is made. Thus, the programmatic content (PC) were delineated in terms of learning objectives (LO) of the course:
PC1 - LO1 e 2
PC2 - LO3, 4 and 5
PC3 - LO6, 7 and 8
PC4 – LO9 and 11
PC5 - LO10 and 11
The topics that are presented cover the key concepts based on the Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as allow the exploration of the most commonly applied tools, regarding assessment as well as intervention. The design of the program thus provides a continuum
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Classes are theoretical and practical, focusing on presentation and discussion of the contents of the program, supplemented with required reading and solving practical cases. For the problem in question, we analyze and present the best practices available. Great importance is given to the formulation of clinical problems and analysis of different possible answers, building wherever possible, real cases (video, case studies in scientific articles or cases of clinical teaching UFP). The process of dialogue in which everyone participates, through their own experience and knowledge is encouraged.
- Presentation of the course contents using projections, explanations on the board, exemplifications, clinical cases and video observation of actual cases of clinical teaching speech therapy UFP.
- Completion of assessment tools using case analysis on video
- Role-play situations (assessment and intervention)
normal season
- Continuous Assessment -
Written work about an intervention pr
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The pedagogical implementation of lessons runs consistently with the fundamental objectives of the UC, and their programmatic contents. Teaching methods and evaluation were designed in order to enable students to develop and enhance a comprehensive understanding of the clinical potential of speech therapist intervention in this field, while ensuring compliance with the objectives of the course. For this to happen, especially at a level of specialization of clinical practice, such as it is desired at a 2nd cycle studies, it will be privileged at them interactive methodologies, involving the masters in teaching and learning, demand-driven process, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific articles. As a complement, it is also considered essential that students have the opportunity to perform practical work, allowing contact with the reality of clinical performance, ie, allow contact with real problems. In addition, an individual assessment is assured through a written work.
Peixoto, Varela (2009) A eficácia da intervenção em Terapia da Fala em crianças com PEA. In Metodologias de intervenção em terapia da fala. Edições Fernando Pessoa.
Alves, A. P.A., Correia, L.M. & Pereira, A.P.S. (2011). Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo e Programas de Intervenção educativa: o caso português. (
Lima, C. (2012). Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo. Manual Prático de Intervenção. Lisboa: LIDEL
Rogers, S. & Dawson, G. (2014). Intervenção Precoce em Crianças com Autismo. Modelo Denver de promoção da linguagem, aprendizagem e da socialização. Lisboa: LIDEL
Silva, P., Eira, C., Pombo, J. (2003). Programa Clinico para o tratamento das perturbações da relação e da comunicação, baseado no Modelo D.I.R.. Análise Psicológica, 1 (XXI) (pp.31-39).
- Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S (eds.). Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 2008 (12th edition).
- Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, Ross AC (eds.). Modern Nutrition in