Curricular Unit:Code:
Medicine and Oral Surgery I842MCO1
4MasterDentistry6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Develop skills to adequately manage pharmacological resources depending on the nature of the intervention. Recognize special health conditions and their limitations in therapeutic approaches. Diagnose inclusions and associated implications, developing surgical, non-surgical and combined treatment plans. Diagnose clinical conditions of soft tissue and its surgical solutions. Hability to obtain a correct clinical history and to perform a physical examination of the oral cavity/ Knowledge of the diagnostic method applied to an oral medicine/oral surgery consultation/ Knowledge of the auxilliary diagnostic exams/ Knowledge of histopathology/ Hability to recognize major developmental disorders/ Diagnosis and treatment, medical and surgical, of the most common disorders of the oral mucosa
Pharmacology and principles of therapeutics in oral surgery, oral surgery in medically complex patients, complex exodonties, general principles of impacted teeth; impacted third molar, impacted canine, other impacted teeth and supranumerary teeth. Surgery of the soft tissues. Clinical history and clinical examination/Diagnosis in oral medicine/ Development disorders/ Histopathology/ Oral mucosal lesions induced by physical agents/ Oral mucosal lesions induced by chemical agents/ Oral lesions induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy/ Infections of the oral mucosa/ HIV infection and oral manifestations /Recurrent oral ulceration.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The course will be divided in the components Theoretical (15h), Laboratorial Practice (45h), Tutorial Orientation (7,5h) and Other (7,5h).The contents are consistent with the goals of learning in the course to the extent that allow the acquisition of knowledge and the development of clinical skills which are required for all activities in which Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery are involved. The clinical practice is oriented to enable contact with different patients and pathologies. The approval of this curricular unit correspond to 6 ECTS, with mandatory minimum grade of 10 in each of the evaluated components. The assistance scheme will report to the pedagogical regulation in use.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching will be delivered by means of theoretical lessons (worth 50% of the final grade, corresponding to 3 ECTS. It is required for the student to obtain a minimum of 10 out of 20 points). The practical lessons correspond to a total of 45 teaching hours (worth 50% of the final grade, corresponding to 3 ECTS. It is required for the student to obtain a minimum of 10 out of 20 points). The practical/clinical component has as pedagogical objective, for each student, the performance of a dentoalveolar surgery and two screening/diagnosis consultations. Teaching will also include sufficient time to consolidate the theoretical teaching.The class attendance regime reports to the pedagogical regulation in force.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The division of the curricular unit in its various componentes allow the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the specific areas that will be trained in Clinical Practices. In the components Tutorial Orientation and Other the students will develop activities in order to learn how to use bibliographies properly, develop scientific research methods and organize readings to allow knowledge improvement and to keep up to date.
M Donado. Cirugía Bucal – Patología y Técnica. Elsevier Masson. 3ª Ed. 2005
C G Escoda, L B Ayte´s. Tratado de cirugi´a bucal. Ergon, 2015.
M A Pogrel, K E Kahnberg, L Andresson. Essentials of Oral ans Maxillofacial Surgery
Ed. Wiley Blackwell, 2014
J R Hupp, E Ellis III, M R Tucker. Cirurgía Oral Y Maxillofacial- Contemporánea. 5ª Ed. Elsevier españa.2014
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Jorge Pereira (
José de Macedo (
Otília Lopes (