Curricular Unit:Code:
Integrated Dentistry Clinic of Pediatrics I842CIO1
5MasterDentistry6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1. Provide students with the basic knowledge of growth and development of the stomatognathic apparatus and the ability to interpret what is normal and abnormal at each moment in order to act with appropriate preventive, interceptive and corrective attitudes.
2. Provide students with the ability to clinically diagnose major occlusal syndromes, as well as knowledge of their etiology, symptomatology and generic therapeutic principles.
3. Information and use of subsidiary exams in orthodontic diagnosis (radiography and models), as well as the establishment of a correct plan of treatment, selection of therapeutic means and prognosis.
(Orthodontics: 3 ECTS + Pediatric Dentistry: 3 ECTS)
The final average of the Course is made by weighting 50% of each of the components of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry.
Theoretical Program: Etiological factors of malocclusion: Classification. Evolution of the various nomenclatures in relation to the predominance of genetic or environmental factors. General Factors: Heredity, Congenital defects, Environmental factors, Abnormal pressure habits. Local Factors: Abnormalities of number, size, shape, Abnormal lip frown, False and hereditary diastemas, Early extractions, Prolonged retention, Late eruption, Abnormal eruptive pathway, Ankylosis, Caries lesions, Inadequate reconstructions. Special patients: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy and ADHD.
Determination of caries risk and Definition of preventive program.
Conscious sedation with nitrous oxide and general anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry.
Bioactive materials in ODP: caries removal (selective/non-selective).
Practical Program: Integrated orthodontic diagnosis: Radiographic evaluation. Cephalometric tracings. Discussion of cases and therapeutic options. Clinical care of patients.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Matrices sequentially ordered and continuously updated, gradually and in a logical sequence, introduce students to increasingly elaborate concepts, from diagnosis to therapeutic action, in the comprehensive care of paediatric dental patients.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The course will be divided into theoretical component, clinical practice, tutorial guidance, and other components. Theoretical Component: will cover basic topics, using theoretical presentations. Clinical Practice Component: conducting simulated practice of orthodontic diagnosis and clinical care of children patients. The assessment will be made in the Theoretical and Clinical Practice components (weight of 50% each component). In the Theoretical component will be performed a written test at the end of the semester. The evaluation in Clinical Practice will be continuous and performed in both components of the course: Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. The approval of this course will be awarded 3 ECTS, being mandatory a minimum score of 10 points in each component. The regime of class attendance refers to the pedagogical regulations in force.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The various components will allow the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of the topics covered, which will be applied in clinical care of patients. The evaluation of the practical knowledge of the orthodontics component will be based on a minimum of two assessments per student. These assessments may consist of the execution of work previously carried out, accompanied or not by a questionnaire on the work under evaluation, a theoretical and practical questionnaire or an assessment of individual technique. Assessments of a practical nature may be made in addition to those foreseen, without necessarily being preceded by prior warning. Continuous assessment allows students to be aware of their progression in the subjects. In the Tutorial and Other components, activities will be developed that allow students to learn to use bibliographies correctly, develop scientific research methods and organize readings to allow the deepening of the transmitted contents as well as its updating.
-Contemporary Orthodontics. William R. Proffit Ed: Mosby Year Book, Inc., St Louis, Missouri (2ª Ed), 1993
-Ortodoncia – Teoria e Practica. T.M. Graber. Ed: Interamericana
-Handbook of Orthodontics. Robert E. Moyers. Ed: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.
-Manual Sobre Crescimento Facial. Donald H. Enlow. Ed: Inter-Médica
-Anatomie céphalique téléradiographique norma lateralis, norma frontalis, norma axialis. Pierre E. Vion. Ed. Vanves Éditions SID DL 1997.
-Barbería E. et alli. (1995). Odontopediatría. Barcelona. Masson.
-Boj, JR. et alli. (2004). Odontopediatría. Barcelona. Masson.
-McDonald, RE. e Avery, DR. (1995). Odontopediatria. Rio de Janeiro. (6ªedição). Guanabara Koogan.
-Kramer, PF., Feldens, CA. e Romano, AR. (1997). Promoção de Saúde Bucal em Odontopediatria- diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento da cárie oclusal. São Paulo. Ed. Artes Médicas.
-Pereira, A. et alli. (2001). Cáries Precoces da Infância. Medisa.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Cátia Carvalho Silva (
Cristina Silva (
Maria Queirós (
Mónica Pinho (
Rita Rodrigues (
Vanda Urzal (