Curricular Unit:Code:
Nutrition and Dietetics247NDIE
1MasterDentistry2 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
In accordance with the Dublin it is intended that the student:
- gets a solid scientific basis in order to be able to show knowledge and ability to identify key concepts of healthy eating and its importance in the health and wellness of individuals, knowing the major dietary mistakes and the constitution of the Mediterranean Food Wheel, as well as; identify the main methods and techniques for assessing the food intake, types of eating disorders and nutritional requirements in oral cavity cancer.
- is able to sustain the knowledge of secondary education, develop them and deepen them, autonomously;
- analyzes textbooks of advanced level to support his study and develop a critical spirit;
- shows the ability to collect, select and interpret relevant information.
Food, Health and Disease. Nutritional state evaluation. Eating disorders. Cancer.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
In the unit "Food, Health and Illness (0.5 ECTS)," the student should be able to identify basic concepts of food and nutrition. He should also consider understanding the Mediterranean Food Wheel and characterize the major errors of Portuguese food. Yet, identify the influence of Chronobiology and Sleep in appetite’s regulation.
In unity "Assessment of nutritional status (1,0 ECTS)", the student should be able to understand methods and techniques for assessing nutritional status with a view to its future application in the clinical field of dentistry within a multidisciplinary team.
The units "Eating disorders and cancer (1.0 ECTS)," the student should be able to reflect and discuss the issue of eating disorders and cancer and its consequences for the oral health of the individual.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Contents will be addressed in the form of a seminar, where they will be analyzed and discussed with students all aspects including the syllabus, approaching practical situations, as forms of instance and appeal to creative learning.
The evaluation will consist of a time of written assessment, which will be marked by the teacher at the beginning of the semester. The lack or withdrawal of the rating assessment implies zero values in this test.
The student is considered "approved" course with the rank equal to or higher than 10. Students with lower ratings can be submitted to the examination of appeal, provided they have met the required percentage of attendance.
The student's presence far will occur in accordance with current legal provisions (present in 50% of classes taught, article 14, paragraph 2.1. of the Pedagogical Rules).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Regarding the development of materials and transversely to the teaching units, these will be addressed in the form of a seminar, where they will be analyzed and discussed with students all aspects including the syllabus, approaching practical situations, as forms of instance and appeal to creative learning.
1. Silva, Maria-Raquel G. 2015. Alimentação na Ginástica: de Pais para Filhos. Lisboa: Federação de Ginástica de Portugal/ Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude I.P. ISBN: 978-989-8650-53-5.
2. Silva, Maria-Raquel G.; Paiva, Teresa. 2015. Sono, Nutrição, Ritmo Circadiano, Jet Lag e Desempenho Desportivo. Lisboa: Federação de Ginástica de Portugal/ Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude I.P. ISBN: 978-989-8650-54-2.
3. Silva, Maria Raquel G. 2015. Avaliação nutricional e composição corporal - 3ª edição. ISBN: 978-989-643-134-1. Porto: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
4. Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S (2003). Krause alimentos, nutrição & dietoterapia. 10ª edição. ROCA. São Paulo.
5. Artigos científicos facultados nas aulas.