Curricular Unit:Code:
Dentistry II842DEN2
3MasterDentistry5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To acquire knowledge about therapeutic, preventive and restorative treatments with direct dental materials used in the aesthetic and functional dental structures rehabilitation. It still has as intention to enumerate and to describe the advantages, disadvantages, indications and contraindications of the restoring dental materials in clinical practice. To justify the properties, advantages and disadvantages of several therapeutic, preventive, and direct restorative medical devices, as well as major clinical indications and requirements; To perform cavity preparations in model teeth, according to the general principles of cavity preparation and handling dental materials/medical devices properly in order to restore preparations, adopting ergonomic working positions; To identify manual and rotary hand pieces, dental instruments for operative Dentistry; To Search /select appropriate scientific literature within the themes outlined in curricular unit program.
Dentin-pulp complex protection. Different dentin-pulp complex protection levels. Dental amalgam. Clinical use of glass ionomers, Compomers, adhesive systems and techniques, composite resins. Composite restorative step techniques. Light-curing. Clinical data registration. Cavity preparation and restoration in tooth models.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Theoretical classes (T; One hour per week): Complex Dentin-Pulp protection levels (liners and provisional treatments); Dental amalgam (origins, constitution, clinical indications); Clinical use of glass ionomer, compomer (origins, definition, advantages and disadvantages, properties, clinical applications); Principles of Adhesion, systems and adhesives techniques; Composite resins (origin, constitution, properties, advantages, rating, recommendations, requirements, evolution); Polymerisation techniques and light curing devices; Clinical steps in the restoration with composite resins. Clinical Data Registration. Tutorial guidance (OT; 7.5 hours) + Other sessions (O; 7.5 hours): Individual literature search on the topic described. Laboratory practice (LP; Two hours per week): Cavity preparation and its restoration with IRM, glass ionomer, composite resins and amalgam.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Balance between 50% of the theoretical (T) typology and 50% of the laboratorial practical (LP) typology evaluations. The evaluation of theoretical (T) component is made by a written test; Failure to obtain a minimum grade of 10 values in the theoretical typology refers the student to appeal exam, in time for this purpose, fixed in the academic schedule. Laboratory practice (LP) typology weighting:40% of each of two practical tests + 15% mean practice evaluation (handling from the preparation and restoration with dental materials) + 5% attendance, punctuality, interest and participation. The minimum approval rating in each component (T and in PL) is 10 values. The assistance scheme for classes is adopted at the Pedagogical University Regulations in force. The crediting of this course requires obtaining 5 ECTS, according to the evaluation system described.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Theoretical classes (T; One hour, weekly) emphasize the expository and participatory methods, with a view to a content interrelation of basic medical sciences and prophylactic and therapeutic intervention in dental hard tissues. It addresses the various pathologies of the dental hard tissues, identification of major medical devices and restorative approach to perform dental hard tissues loss. Tutorial guidance sessions (TO; 7.5 hours) emphasis is placed on current literature evidence about the contents exposed in this unit's program, particularly in terms of in vivo trials and in vitro studies on medical devices available. Other sessions (O; 7.5 hours) promotes individual writing papers (optional). Practical classes (LP; Two hours weekly) dominate the demonstrative method and laboratory practice by students, as to the development of cavity preparation, handling medical devices (instruments and dental materials of pulp-dentin complex protection and final restorative procedures) restorative and repair procedures, with dental materials, in tooth models.
1) NETTO G., NARCISO, et al. Dentística Restauradora. Diagnóstico, prevenção, protecção da polpa, hiperssensibilidade dentinária, adesão. Santos Livraria Editora, 2003.
2) MONDELLI et al. Dentística. Procedimentos pré-clínicos. Editorial Premier, 1ª ed, 2002.
3) BARATIERI et al. Odontologia restauradora – Fundamentos e possibilidades. Quintessence 1ª ed 2001
4) BARATIERI et al. Dentística. Procedimentos preventivos e restauradores. Quintessence 2000
5) Artigos científicos fornecidos aos alunos de acordo com a distribuição temática das aulas teóricas (ver distribuição dos tempos lectivos).
6) “European Core Curriculum in Cariology for undergraduate dental students”. AG Schulte, NB Pitts, MCDNJM Huysmans, C Splieth and W Buchalla. Eur J Dent Educ 15 (suppl. 1), 2011: 9-17 – dominio IV
7) Artigos Científicos evidencia – bibliografia atualizada em cada aula T e PL, fornecidos aos alunos.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Lígia Silva (
Patrícia Monteiro (