Curricular Unit:Code:
Integrated Clinic of Children I300CIC1
5MasterDentistry6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Enable students with the basic knowledge on the etiology of craniofacial anomalies and anomalies of the jaws (systemic and local factors) and the ability to distinguish the normal change by taking timely and appropriate therapeutic approaches.
Additional tests in orthodontic diagnosis (X-rays and models), creation of treatment plans, prognosis and selection of therapeutic means.
Students should develop the ability to make correct diagnoses and perform basic and advanced clinical acts in pediatric patients with teacher supervision.
Etiology and pathways of factors of craniofacial and occlusion abnormalities: sistemic and local factors(Hereditary, congenital, environmental and functional)
Full orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning: Clinical diagnosis, cephalometric and model analysis. Clinical care of pediatric patients - conducting basic clinical acts.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The Syllabys provides the information that integrates the stomatoghnatic system in a holistic way, within the perspective of incidence of dentofacial anomalies and its pathways, as well as the knowledge and protocols towards a full integrated diagnosis and understanding of the patient status, guiding to adjusted clinical and therapeutic attitudes on each patient.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The course will be divided the components Theoretical (15h), Laboratorial Practice (30h), Tutorial Orientation (7,5h) and Other (7,5h). Theoretical component will consist in the presentation of clinical cases, discussion and clarification of doubts In Laboratorial Practices clinical care of pediatric patients will be conducted to perform diagnosis, preparing a comprehensive treatment plan, discussion with teachers and realization of basic and advanced treatment. Orthodontic diagnostic activities will also be held.The evaluation will result from Theoretical and Laboratorial Practice components, with a weight of 50% each. In Theoretical component, a written test will be held at the end of the semester. The evaluation in Laboratorial Practice will be continuous. The approval of this curricular unit correspond to 4 ECTS, with mandatory minimum grade of 10 in each of the evaluated components. The assistance scheme will report to the pedagogical regulation in use.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
On this curricular unit, by means of Theoretical and Laboratorial Practices, students will acquire the essential information to be guided in the clinical observation of patients, clinical diagnosis, complementary examination when required, full integrated diagnosis and adequate treatment of abnormal conditions, within their scope of action. Basic and advanced clinical acts will be conducted with teacher supervision. Continuous assessment allows the student to be aware of the progression of their skills and competences in the various components. In the components Tutorial Orientation and Other activities that allow students to improve the use of clinical instruments through clarifying sessions will be developed.
Contemporary Orthodontics. William R. Proffit Ed: Mosby Year Book, Inc., St Louis, Missouri ( 2ª Ed), 1993
The Biology of Tooth Movement. Louis A. Norton e Charles G. Burstone; Ed: CRC Press, Inc., Boca Reton, Florida-U.S.A.
Ortodoncia – Teoria e Practica. T.M. Graber. Ed: Interamericana
Handbook of Orthodontics. Robert E. Moyers. Ed: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.
Manual Sobre Crescimento Facial. Donald H. Enlow. Ed: Inter-Médica
The Design, Constrution and Use of Removable. Orthodontic Appliances
C. Philip Adams; W. John S. Kerr. Ed: Butterworth-HeinemannBoj, JR., Catalá M., García-Ballesta C., Mendonza A. (2004). Odontopediatría. Masson.
Barbería E., Boj J.R., Catalá M., García C., Mendoza A. (1995). Odontopediatría. Masson.
Jeffrey A., David R.A., Ralph E. M. (2010). McDonald and Avery Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent. Mosby.
Barbería E. (2014). Atlas de Odontologia infantil para pediatras y odontólogos. (2ª edição). Ripano.