Curricular Unit:Code:
Dental Materials841MDET
2MasterDentistry5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The program content of this discipline was prepared to give knowledge of Dental Materials.
The purpose of discipline is to enable students to obtain sufficient knowledge to identify different dental materials, their characteristics, limitations and techniques for handling, inter-linking laboratorial and clinical activity.
In the laboratorial component the student must correctly handle the materials according to the principles and techniques currently applied.
Introduction to Dental Materials.
Physical and mechanical properties of dental materials.
Introduction to Impression Materials.
Irreversible and reversible Hydrocolloids.
Elastomeric impression materials.
Zinc oxide-eugenol impression paste.
Dental waxes and godivas.
Zinc phosphate cements.
Policarboxilate cements.
Calcium hydroxide cement and paste.
Zinc oxide-eugenol cements.
Dental Adhesive.
Composite resins in dentistry.
Glass ionomer cements and Resin modified glass ionomer.
Pit fissure sealants.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Dental Materials course aims to provide student with theoretical and practical knowledge of the key materials used in dental clinical practice. In this unit, the laboratory practical lessons enables contact with different dental materials in order to prepare the student to a correct clinical care.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical lectures (T), 80%, supplemented by laboratory practice (PL), 20% and supported by tutorial teaching (OT) and other (O), additional tasks.
The theoretical component evaluation is continuous and takes into account 1 written knowledge assessment test, with a weighting of 100%.
The evaluation of the PL component is continuous (attendance, punctuality and posture of the student; organization and cleanliness of the space; acquisition of necessary material; motivation and participation in the tasks and mastery of the subjects; 2 tests of knowledge assessment).
The minimum value of 9.5 is essential for the acquisition of each component of this curricular unit, in a quantitative scale 0-20 values.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In this learning phase the theoretical contents turn out to be of prime importance, giving to the student the knowledge of mechanical and chemical proprieties and biological behavior of the most used dental materials. In laboratory classes the demonstrative method of the dental proprieties is used and then the students work with dental materials regarding pre-clinical handling.
1 - Craig R.G., Powers J.M., Wataha J.C., Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation, 10th ed., The C.V. Mosby Company, 2013.
2 - Anusavice K.J., Phillips, Science of Dental Materials, 12ª ed., Elsevier Saunders, 2012.
3 - Júnior, J.G., Materiais Dentários: o essencial para o estudante e o clínico geral, 1º ed., Livraria Santos Editora Ltda., 1999
4 - Darvell,, R.W. Ciência dos Materiais para Odontologia Restauradora, 9ª ed. Editora Santos, 2012.
5 – Reis, A. Materiais Dentários Restauradores Diretos: dos Fundamentos à Aplicação Clínica, Editora Santos, 2007.
6 - Artigos científicos referenciados aos alunos de acordo com a distribuição temática curricular, na frequência das aulas teóricas.