Curricular Unit:Code:
Introduction to Oral Implantology841IIOR
5MasterDentistry2 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English26
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The purpose of discipline is to enable students to obtain the basic knowledge fundamental to the approach of a patient candidate for placement of implants, conecting with the clinical laboratory business in several areas medical-dental.
The program content of this discipline was prepared to give knowledge on implantology and its clinical applications.
1. Oral Implantology: General Concepts
2. Osteointegration
3. Soft Tissues around dental implants
4. General characteristics
5. Surgical planning
6. Prosthodontics planning
7. Surgical procedures
8. Types of rehabilitation
9. Biomechanics
10. Aesthetics
11. Success criteria and risk factors
12. Supportive treatment around dental implants. Treatment of mucositis and periimplantitis
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Subjects were chosen for information on the materials, and subjects related to the route from planning to final rehabilitation.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical Teaching.
Talk about the topic.
Written assessment.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Teaching methods have been developed to become the most effective and direct, allowing a teacher-student interaction more effective, for the acquisition of essential knowledge and core competencies in implantology.
(1) - Lindhe, J., Karring, T., Lang, N.: Clinical Periodontology and Implants Dentistry.
Munksgaard, 2003
(2) - Palacci P., Ericsson I.: Odontologia Implantologica Estética. Quintessence Books 1994
(3) - Buser, D., Dahlin C., Schenk R.: Guided Boné Regeneration in Implant Dentistry. Quintessence Books 1994; Capitulo 3: Pag. 49-100.
(4) - Renouard F., Rangert B.: Factores de Riesgo en implantología oral. Quintessence books. 2000.
(5) - Ricardo de Souza Magini, Júlio César Matias de Souza e Cesar Augusto Magalhães Benfatti: Noções de Implantodontia Cirúrgica. Abeno, Artes Médicas. 2016. (ISBN: 9788536702582)