Curricular Unit:Code:
Organization and Management of Safety and Health Services in the Workplace1013OGSS
1PostgraduateNursing in the Workplace3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Acquire skills about OSH´s management;
Know the organization, activities and responsibilities in the OSH and the functions of the different professionals
Conjecture the promotion and protection of occupational health with the costs resulting of occupational injuries;
• Participate actively in the organization and application of emergency´s plans against fires, evacuation and first aid.
Plan and implement Occupational Health´s management programs;
Integrates the OSH´s team and knows the role and functions of all members;
Knows and applies the legislations, policies and procedures of management in Occupational Health Nurse;
• Master management´s policies about professionals’ risks;
Does formal mechanisms that allow estimate the strategies´ effectivity, plans and processes about risk´s management;
Knows practices and principles of information and communication in OSH, namely in relation to emergency plans, firefighting, evacuation and first aid.
1. Organization and Management of OSH;
2. Systems of risk´s management and communication in the OSH;
3. Records and documentation;
4. Management and organization of emergency and first aid.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
It is intended that the contents developed throughout the CU, train the students with theoretical-practical knowledge, in matters of Organization and Management of OSH. This CU will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about of Organization and Management of OSH, through the legal and normative framework present in the occupational health.
In this way, the contents are in line with the objectives previously formulated, allowing students to know and put in practice the role of Occupational Health Nurse in the Organization and Management of OSH.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit will be developed based on bibliographical research, analysis, discussion and joint critical reflection on the topics addressed, elaboration and discussion of group work, according to the orientation.
The students will make groups of no more than three elements, to prepare minimum data summary that the Occupational Health Nurse needs to get and are essentials for their practice in the OSH. To do this work the students will have by base the management´s tools of OSH namely the procedures manual.
Continuous evaluation will consist of the preparation of a Group work, presentation and discussion, with a weighting of 100%.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In order to meet the stated objectives, the methodologies to be used in this unit will focus on interactive methodologies, involving students in the teaching-learning process, focused on the reflection and analysis of diagnostic cases, aiming acquisition the skills for the intervention of Occupational Health Nurse in the Organization and Management of OSH through compliance of legal and normative obligations.
CERTITECNA. Norma Portuguesa 4397 – Sistemas de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho Requisitos, 2ªed.,Lisboa: Instituto Português da Qualidade, 2008;
Diário da república. Lei n.º 7/2009. D.R. I Série. 30 (2009-02-12) 926-1028;
Diário da república. Lei n.º 102/2009. D.R. I Série. 176 (2009-09-10) 6167-6192;
Diário da república. Decreto-Lei nº220/2008. D.R. I Série. 220 (2008-11-12) 7903 – 7922;
Diário da república. Decreto-Lei nº224/2015. D.R. I Série. 198 (2015-10-09) 8740 – 8774;
MIGUEL, Alberto Sérgio S. R. - Manual de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho, 11ª ed., Porto: Porto Editora, 2010;
Portugal. Direção Geral da Saúde – Informação Técnica nº8/2014- Manual de Procedimentos no âmbito da Saúde do Trabalho. Lisboa
Portugal. Direção Geral da Saúde – Informação técnica 0007/2014- Requisitos do contrato de saúde do trabalho: Especificações. Lisboa.
ROCHA, José – Segurança Contra Incêndio em Edifícios: Regulamentação Ilustrada e Anotada. Porto: Exactubooks,2017.