Curricular Unit:Code:
Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis I843TAT1
3MasterPharmaceutical Sciences4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge about the parameters of risk assessment of xenobiotics, the importance of toxicokinetics and the factors that influence it in the biological activity of xenobiotics, the main mechanisms of xenobiotic toxicity in living systems, and the in vivo and in vitro methods used to evaluate the toxicity of drugs and other toxic agents. It is aimed that the student develops the critical and reflective spirit and acquires skills that allow the updating and progress in the scientific domain and its practical application. In the practical-laboratory component, it is intended that the student develops the ability to work in teams, the scientific and critical spirit, and the skill in the execution and discussion of laboratory protocols.
Dose-response relationship. Risk Assessment. NOEL, NOAEL, and ADI. Antagonism and Potentiation; Additive and Synergistic Effects. Tolerance. Disposition of Toxic Compounds: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, and Transport. Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III biotransformation reactions. Extra-Hepatic Metabolism. Toxication and Detoxication. Enzyme Induction and Inhibition. Target Organs of Toxicity. Mechanisms of cytotoxicity.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Coherence between the syllabus and objectives of this unit is reflected in the segmented and oriented acquisition of various concepts of Toxicology, by encouraging the development of the student's critical thinking and ability to apply the knowledge acquired for resolving toxicological issues. The request for practical nature activities helps to fulfill the established objectives.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Form of educational performance: (i) presentation and discussion of relevant theoretical concepts in the classroom, (ii) brainstorm on pertinent issues related to the matter exposed in the classroom, (iii) self-study orientation of students by consulting annotated bibliography, and (iv) presentation and discussion of case studies to reinforce the given theoretical knowledge.
The assessment is continuous and consists of two written tests in the theoretical part and of one mini-test for intermediate evaluation, an oral presentation of a research paper, one written test, and student performance in the laboratory part.
Final grade= 60% theoretical part + 40% in practical part
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies are consistent with the objectives of the unit as they seek to provide students with knowledge related to fundamental concepts in Toxicology with regard to its scope, objectives, and appropriate analysis of potentially toxic compounds. With the resolution of practical cases, it is intended that students develop critical thinking and reflective skills to acquire and upgrade and progress in science and its practical application. In addition to the essential reading listed herewith, each topic will be accompanied by specifically recommended readings in order to engage in a debate and discussion enabling a throughout comprehension of the matters and formation of a critical approach.
(1) Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Manual de Estilo de Elaboração de Trabalhos Científicos
(2) Estrela, C. (2018) Metodologia científica. Ciência, ensino e pesquisa. 3ª ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.
(3) Sónia Vieira, William Hossne (2015). Metodologia Científica Para a Área da Saúde. Elsevier.
(4) Margarida Lima (2013). Conceção, redação e publicação de artigos científicos. Redação de artigos: estrutura e conteúdo. NASCER E CRESCER Revista de pediatria do centro hospitalar do porto, vol XXII, n.º 1.
(5) Kathryn H. Jacobsen (2020). Introduction To Health Research Methods. Jones e Bartlett Publishers Inc.
(6) Helena Donato, Mariana Donato (2019). Etapas na condução de uma revisão sistemática. Acta Med Port  Mar;32(3):227-235.
(7) Lunet Nuno. The use of systematic review and meta-analysis in modern epidemiology. INTECHopen
(8) Kiani AK (2022). Methodology for clinical research. J Prev Med Hyg, 63,E267-e278.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
João Capela (
Márcia Carvalho (