Curricular Unit:Code:
Principles and Procedures in Nursing III - Clinical Education852FPE3
2UndergraduateNursing13 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Clinical practice:
Understand the function and dynamics of Services
Understand the organization and prioritization of care
Demonstrate theoretical knowledge and integrate them into clinical practice
Examine the person holistically
Identify the nursing diagnoses
Provide comprehensive care, performing with correction learned the rules
Develop skills within the helping relationship
Develop education strategies for health
Understand the importance of meeting human needs in the ongoing health / disease
Apply the methods of registration of the recommended practices in the institution
Demonstrate critical and reflective attitude about the practical
Reflect on experiences
Assess your learning
Deepen knowledge about other topics
Build the capacity of developing the Nursing Process, by conducting case studies
Analyze problem situations, with a view to mobilizing knowledge
During his probationary period, which takes place preferably in Medicine patient Unit and Continuing Care Units Services, are mobilized the various contents contained of the courses Nursing Fundamentals and Procedures I and II but also of all other Curricular units of the Course, as well as others that are addressed in the course.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Clinical Practice aims to promote the meeting between the professional and the student in a work context and is intended to complement the theoretical and practical training and the gradual awareness of the different roles of the nurse and the required skills. Considering the syllabus of the Foundations of Curriculum Units and Procedures Nursing I and II, and the characteristics of the services where Internships are performed, it is expected that the student understands the coherence of theoretical knowledge, practical theoretical and practical acquired in units theoretical and clinical practice, and you know it and develop skills in the development of the nursing process, the relationship and therapeutic communication and the nursing register methodologies.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Tracking the student based on the concept of clinical supervision as a process in which an experienced professional guides the student in human development, educational and professional, a systematic monitoring attitude of practice through reflection and experimentation procedures, supervision, one that is based on two models possible:. mentoring, with the use of pedagogical advisor figure (the nurse takes the responsibility to monitor, mentor and evaluate a group of students) or tutorials (student monitoring by an experienced Professional Service Evaluation is made based on an evaluation grid, built from the document "Nurse of the skills profile of the Rules of General Care" (Order of Nurses), the Training Report and participation in seminars. The student succeeds when its final classification is equal to or higher than 10.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In any supervisory styles, the supervisor uses non-directive type methodologies (value, meets the world of student and their initiatives, know hear the student, encourages, helps you clarify your ideas and your feelings and asks hIM other information when they are needed) to managerial type (concentrates its concerns to provide guidance in establishing criteria and condition the student's attitudes) and collaborative type (uses collaboration strategies and verbalize what the student will telling you, making summaries of suggestions and problems and helping to solve them). So lets realize the objectives of the course, and in particular to be able to promote the transfer of knowledge to the clinical practice context, reflect on the individual experiences on stage context and demonstrate a critical and reflective attitude towards the practice.
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