Curricular Unit:Code:
Urgency and Emergency Nursing I852EUE1
4UndergraduateNursing5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
"A) - To develop knowledge that allows you to provide nursing care with a scientific methodology in the context of urgency and emergency.
B) - To integrate knowledge and skills to enable them to promote a continuous and dynamic way the quality of nursing care within the emergency care.
C) - To acquire skills to identify, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care of the patient and family in urgent and emergency context.
D) - To relate the knowledge acquired in the different courses.
E) - To base the reflection on the humanization in urgent and emergency care in the patient and family.
F) - Execution and interpretation of special semiotic methods in urgent / emergency
"1. Concepts in Emergency / Emergency Nursing
1.1. Contextualization of the ER
2. Background of ER / Emergency
2.1. Hospital Referral Network
2.2. Integrated Medical Emergency
3. Fundamentals of clinical nursing Urgency / Emergency
3.1. screening
3.2. Patient Rating
3.3. Air and land transport
3.4. Vascular access and sampling
3.5. Pain management
4. Patient Monitoring critical
4.1. electrical
4.2. hemodynamic
4.3. respiratory
5. Basic and Advanced Life Support
5.1. By air
5.2. Rhythms cardiac arrest
5.3. Defibrillators and Pacemakers
5.4. drugs
5.5. algorithms
6. Medical Emergencies
6.1. respiratory
6.2. cardiovascular
6.3. shock
6.4. neurological
6.5. toxicological
6.6. endocrine
7. Approach to acute trauma
7.1. cerebral
7.2. Thoraco-abdominal
7.3. Skeletal muscle
7.4. Vertebro-medullary
8. medical-surgical emergencies
9. Ethical Aspects"
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
"Given the curriculum to achieve the objectives the student must:
• Understand the objectives, concepts and criteria used in defining the Hospital Referral Network Emergency Department;
• Collect the objective and subjective data for each patient by routine, urgent, or emergent;
• Acquire knowledge of basic life support algorithm and Advanced Life;
• Understand the nomenclature and methodology used in the screening of Manchester;
• Know the recommendations of the Transport of the Sick Critical;
• ECG Interpretation;
• Integrate the immediate nursing care to make in respiratory emergency, cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine and toxicological;
• Know the treatment and therapy in emergency room and emergency preventing possible complications and their aggravation;
• Know the initial approach and immobilization techniques appropriate for polytrauma the mechanism of injury."
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
"Interrogative, expository and demonstrative.
Oral presentation of course content.
Active / participatory methodology, supported by audiovisual media.
Bibliographical research work with teaching support.
Continuous assessment of this course will be expressed by a grade on a numerical scale of 0 to 20 and is calculated by the following formula: provides for the completion of two written exercises. These written tests may consist of multiple choice questions, true / false, matching, captions, and short answer, listed on all 20 points and with a duration of 1.30 hours.
Final Grade = 90% of the two written tests urgent / emergency, plus 10% interest and individual participation, attendance, punctuality and attitude."
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
"The need to analyze and reflect on new concepts involves the use of expository and interrogative methods. And the demonstration procedures enables the acquisition of the techniques essential to the practice of care. The simulation of theoretical and practical cases and the application of the nursing process allows you to consolidate skills for using the Nursing Process as a scientific methodology of work."
AEHLERT, B. (2007). “A.C.L.S. Emergências em Cardiologia: Suporte Avançado de Vida em Cardiologia, (3ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier; CARNEIRO, António; Neutel, Elisabete. (2011). “ Manual do Curso de Evidência na Emergência”, (4ª ed.). Porto, Reanima; Comité do P. T. L. S. da National Association of Emergency Médical Technicians et all. (2016).“Atendimento Pré- Hospitalar ao Traumatizado “, (8ª ed.) Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier; Conselho Português de Ressuscitação 2010 – Manual de suporte avançado de vida; MARQUES, António et all. (2010) – Triagem no Serviço de Urgência; Grupo de triagem de Manchester, (2º ed.); PONCE, P. e TEIXEIRA, J. (2006). “Manual de Urgências e Emergências”, Lisboa, Lidel PORTUGAl. Sociedade Portuguesa de Cuidados Intensivos et all.(2008). “Transportes de Doentes Críticos Recomendações”. Centro Editor Livreiro da Ordem dos Médicos; URDEN, L; STACY,K; LOUGH; M. (2008). “Enfermagem de Cuidados Intensivos. Diagnóstico e Intervenção”, (5ª ed), Loures, Lusodidacta