Curricular Unit:Code:
Epistemology of Nursing853EENF
1UndergraduateNursing2 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- Define nursing as a discipline and profession
- Describe each of the currents and schools of thought in nursing comparing the conceptions of being a person, health / illness, environment and nursing care.
- Characterize the main patterns of intrinsic knowledge to nursing care (ethical, personal, aesthetic, empirical) and the type of existing theories (Medium, long, substantive)
- Reflect the meaning of concepts: responsibility, eautonomia authority, power, desire, respect (among others) in the nursing profession in the light of its representations and social theory / study author.
- Confronting the concepts and sub-concepts of the metaparadigm of an author / theory with representations that have on them.
- To train the student to an understanding of nursing as a discipline and profession
1.1. Major evolutionary periods in the history of nursing practice. The rise in health care practice / Practice Nursing identified with the woman; The Religious Model in Nursing Practice; The Centered Environment in Nursing; The Centered Nursing in Sickness; The Person-Centered Nursing in; The Centered Nursing in Opening About World.
1.1.1. Purpose and objectives of nursing care in each period.
1.1.2. Social factors - historical, organizations and personalities that influenced the development of nursing in each period.
2.1.Principais international documents with implications for the evolution of nursing;
2.2. Professional associations: contribution to the professional development;
2.3. Nursing at present;
2.4. Organization, status and professional regulations.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The aim of the selected content, enable the student to an understanding of nursing as a discipline and profession and their evolutionary path over time. So we think is important to know the history of the profession and its current structure and describe the nature of care over time this perspective, it is of great inportância that students know how the profession has acquired a collection of own knowledge, as well how to understand the theories and concepts that are central to it from a historical perspective.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Assessment is ongoing. Students will measure the program is being developed, will be questioned about the issues under consideration. During the teaching sessions, contextualized with the evolution of the discipline texts will be analyzed.
However, there will be two formal stages of evaluation: a frequency that will be weighted 60% and a job with a weighting of 40% for assigning the final grade of the course unit
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The strategies to be selected must be consistent with, and appropriate to the learning objectives to accomplish curricular guidelines varied in order to adapt to the different learning styles of students. It has to be, however, also feasible to use within the available resources. Since the student is the center of the process and the author of their learning are proposed active methodologies that allow the acquisition of conceptual tools and capacity development of intellectual curiosity, objectivity, methodical doubt, critical analysis, decision-making and evaluation. Preference will be given, among others, strategies leading to the exchange of opinions between students and the teacher, the speech and debate of ideas, individual and group
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