Curricular Unit:Code:
Anthroposociology of Health852ASA
2UndergraduateNursing2 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) Acquire the theoretical and methodological bases of work/research in anthropology and sociology of health;
(ii) Acquire and develop knowledge and skills that allow discussing and evaluating a new paradigm in the analysis of health and illness both in sanitary spaces as social communities.
(iii) be able to reflect on the body as well as its symbolic, cultural and social component.
(iv) Develop a critical capability in relation to health policies, discerning their ideological and cultural bases, for the construction of a more just society;
(v) Develop a critical attitude and self-critici
1. Foundations/methods of Anthropology and Sociology
2. Anthropology and Sociology of Body
3. Social experience of illness
4. Health policy and community development
5. Institutional Health Organization
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
1st unit – Syllabus contents focus on theoretical subjects in the field of anthropology and sociology of health. The students thus acquire the basics and a wider field of reflection for addressing health problems.
2nd unit – Syllabus develops the major themes that deal with the relationship between the body, disease, medical practice, and the social, cultural and emotional expressions.
3rst unit. – The syllabus covered in this part is the base of main problems and challenges facing the contemporary society in its relation with health in medical institutions. Particular attention has been in social structures influence and lived experience of disease.
4rst unit – Syllabus will give attention to the social and cultural theories that inform health systems and social policies of access to health.
5rst unit. –This unit helps students to have a critical analysis on the institutional organization of health, since the hospital structures to professions, which act in the health field.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching methodology will include theoretical lecturing, research, reading and discussion of specific references, as well as thematic debating and critical reflection. Assessment will be continuous and based on a written test, a practical essay, an oral presentation and work discussion, as well as the students’ punctuality and attendance.
Test, essay and performance in class room. The test will have a weighting of 70%. The test will have a weighting of 20% and performance in the classroom will have a weighting of 10%
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Un. 1 Activ method. The theoretical exposition of the fundamentals and methods of Anthropology and Sociology, as well as biomedical and sociomédicos models and social and cultural dimensions of health / disease will provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to reflect and discuss a broader view of the health problem / illness . Un. 2 Activ method. The theoretical exposition of perspectives about the body give the students the knowledge and competence for reflection and further debate their symbolic, social and cultural componentes. Un. 3 Activ method. The theoretical exposition of structural variables health / illness and social experience of these in each individual will provide students with the knowledge and competence to reflect and discuss after this duality. Un. 4 Activ method. The theoretical exposition of theoretical perspectives on health policy will provide students the knowledge and expertise to further reflection and participation in debate on health policy, its justice and its ethical values as well as ideologies associated with them. Un. 5 Activ method. The theoretical exposition about sociology of health institutions, their organization, knowledge and power, aim to promote, among future professionals, attitudes and behaviors guided by ethics and professional ethics.
ABREU, W.(2003). Saúde, doença e diversidade cultural. Lisboa: Piaget
BARROS, P. (2013), Pela sua Saúde, Lisboa. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
CARAPINHEIRO, G. (org.) (2006), Sociologia da saúde. Estudos e perspectivas. Coimbra: Pé de página editores.
CARRACABURU, D. & MÉNORET, M. (2005), Sociologie de la santé. Paris: Armand Colin.
GABE, J. & CALNAN, M. (ed.) (2009), The new Sociology of the Health Service, Londres e Nova York: Routledge.
GIDDENS, A. (2004), Sociologia, 4ª ed., Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
GOFFMAN, E. (1988), Estigma. Notas sobre a manipulação da identidade deteriorada. 4ª ed., Rio de Janeiro: LTC Editora.
HELMA, C. G. (2003). Cultura, saúde & doença. São Paulo: Artemed.
LAPLANTINE, F. (1986). Anthropologie de la maladie. Paris: Payot.