Curricular Unit:Code:
Mental and Psychiatric Health Nursing I853ESM1
3UndergraduateNursing4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- To demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes for applying the nursing process in mental health and Psychiatry;
- To identify the individual, the family and the community in a holistic perspective, taking into account the multiple determinants of mental health;
- To know the main therapies and therapeutic techniques used nowadays in Psychiatry;
- To know the conceptual framework of Explicit mental health and psychiatric nursing;
- To demonstrate knowledge and skills for the performance of procedures in mental health and Psychiatry;
- To demonstrate knowledge and skills to plan general nursing care in mental health and Psychiatry, using the scientific methodology of work in nursing;
- To integrate the knowledge of other disciplines, for the design of general nursing care in mental health and Psychiatry.
1 - Preventive Psychiatry and mental health
2 - Explanatory Models of development in mental health
3 - Determinants of mental health of individuals and populations
4 - Mental health and psychiatric nursing
- Historical and current perspectives
- Process of nursing in Psychiatry
- Interview in psychiatric nursing
- Theoretical foundations and conceptual models of psychiatric nursing
- Nursing link
5 - Therapeutic, therapies and therapeutic activities
6 - The process of nursing care for people with mental illness/disorder
- Psychotic behavior
- Depressive mood Disorder
- Risk of suicide
- Psychosomatic disorders
- Behaviour of additives
- Obsessive-compulsive Behaviors and phobic
- Anxiety disorders
- Dementia/Frameworks psicogeriatry
- Feeding behavior disorders
- Psychiatric emergency room
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents are defined in order to allow for the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills for the practice of nursing for people and groups at risk in the context of the processes of health-mental illness. Are also provided knowledge to enable students to develop skills and competencies to identify the individual, the family and the community in a holistic perspective, taking into account the multiple determinants of mental health, as well as the reflection of ethical aspects associated with the care of people in the context of the procedures of health-mental illness.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit is developed in contact hours and in the student's autonomous working time. For the intended objectives it is used teaching methodologies expositive, interrogative, demonstrative, case studies and simulation. Theoretical classes are essentially expositive and interactive. The theoretical-practical classes are intended to deepen the themes taught with the aid of suitable didactic material (models, videos) and for the demonstration, execution of techniques and procedures that will be later developed by the students in simulated practices, under the guidance and supervision of teacher. The continuous assessment regime consists of a written test (50%), laboratory practices (30%) and the development of a group work (20%). Students succeed in the discipline if they achieve, at least, 9,5 points in the T+TP component, as well as in the PL component.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The curricular unit allows, through theoretical sessions, theoretical-practical and practical in laboratory, where various teaching methodologies are used, to achieve the proposed objectives. To the set of knowledge disseminated through the expository method, the interrogative method is associated in order to promote reflection and appropriation of contents. With the implementation of the methodologies considered, it is assumed that the student is actively involved in its evolution and delineates efforts in the search for updated information that supports the work and develops skills and competences to diagnose, plan, perform and evaluate general health nursing care mental and psychiatry.
- Chalifour, J. (2009). A intervenção terapêutica - Volume 1: Os fundamentos existencial-humanistas da relação de ajuda. Lusodidacta.
- Chalifour, J. (2009). A intervenção terapêutica - Volume 2: Estratégias de intervenção. Lusodidacta.
- Internacional Council of Nurses (2016). Classificação Internacional para a Prática da Enfermagem (CIPE®) Versão 2015. Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
- Sequeira, C. (2016). Comunicação clínica e relação de ajuda. Lidel.
- Sequeira, C., & Sampaio, F. (2020). Enfermagem em saúde mental: Diagnósticos e intervenções. Lidel.
- Townsend, M. (2011). Enfermagem em saúde mental e psiquiátrica: Conceitos de cuidado na prática baseada na evidência. Lusodidacta.