Curricular Unit:Code:
Data Analysis Methodologies874MADA
1DoctorateInformation Sciences (Systems, Technology and Information Management)15 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The module of “Data analysis and interpretation of results” is fit inside of the set of discipline that intends an integral formation of the pupil in the theoretical and practical methodological aspects od data analysis. The objective of this discipline is to supplying to PhD students complex data analysis tools.
Databases. Mean comparisons. Relation between variables. Multivariate test. Interview. Focus group. Discourse analysis. Ethnographic observation.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The content covered in this course focus on qualitative and quantitative research methods commonly used in Information and Communication Sciences.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical lectures; analysis and interpretation of scientific texts; practical classes to apply knowledge to research; analysis of the methodology used in several doctoral theses in Information and Communication Sciences. Doctoral Students' evaluation (approved or not) is based on their presence and participation in the class and on individual work and performance.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The course aims to familiarize PhD students with quantitative and qualitative methodological tools that may help in the preparation of their theses. Expository lectures and analysis and interpretation of scientific texts, complemented with practical lessons and on the analysis of the methodologies used in several investigations to apply knowledge and develop research skills will help to achieve the learning objectives.
HO, R. (2013). Handbook of univariate and multivariate data analysis and interpretation with SPSS. Florida: Chapman & Hall.
MAROCO, J. (2011). Análise estatística com utilização do SPSS. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo. (A 1ª edição de 2003 encontra-se na biblioteca).
PEREIRA, A. (2006). Spss. Guia prático de utilização. Análise de dados para ciências sociais e psicologia. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo.
PESTANA, M.H. & GAGEIRO, J.N. (2008). Análise de dados para ciências sociais. A complementaridade do Spss. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo.
DENZIN, N. K. e LINCOLN, Y. S. (2017): The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage.
GIBBS, G. (2018). Analyzing Qualitative Data. London: Sage.
SOUSA, J. P. (2006). Elementos de Teoria e Pesquisa da Comunicação e dos Media. Porto: UFP.
WIMMER, R. D. e DOMINICK, J. R. (1996). La Investigación Científica de los Medios de Comunicación. Barcelona: Bosch.