Curricular Unit:Code:
Scientific Research Methodology I937MIC1
1MasterEducational Sciences: Special Education (Precocious Intervention Domain in Infancy)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The student will be able to:
Knowledge and ability
1) Distinguish the concepts of Scientific Research, Method and Methodology. To search for and analize scientific results. The Research Project.
2) Distinguish Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies
To discuss scientific results under the point of view of its application scope and to take decisions about new research lines to poursue.
Application of knowledge and abilities
3)To identify problems to solve by means of scientific research, under a quantitative methodology, the departure questions and the hipotesis to test
Decision making
4) To identify the research field, sampling and procedures of collecting and processing data.
5) To construct the Operation Framework of the quantitative Project.
6) To argue building process of a research project.
CP1. Research in Education. Methodologies and Methods. Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies, distinction and articulation. Designing an investigation.
CP2. Scientific literature review: theoretical framework and justification of research
Note: concepts constructed and operationalized analyzing results of scientific work of others, allow to reach objectives 1 and 2.
CP3. The steps of the quantitative research process. The conception and design of the Project and the formulation of hypotheses to be tested.
CP4. Scheduling the field work: data sources; population and sample; techniques and instruments, in particular the questionnaire survey.
CP5. From conception to the design of a research project in the educational area: the Contextualization and Operationalization Framework under Quantitative Methodology.
Note: concepts constructed and operationalized preparing the personal work for evaluation, allow to reach objectives 3,4 and 5.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
A) The Syllabus beguns with basic scientific research concepts, methods and procedures (I e II). These concepts will be constructed and operationalized on the base of critical review of scientific literature and will attempt objectives 1 and 2.
B) The way to achieve scientific goals: the processus and the project (II e III). These concepts will be constructed and operationalized ongoing the preparation of the individual work to be evaluated and will attempt objectives 2 and 3.
C) The definition of field work and gathering and analysing data procedures (IV). These concepts will be constructed and operationalized ongoing the preparation of the individual work to be evaluated and will attempt objectives 3 and 4.
D) Conception and design of a Scientific Project in Educational Area (V). These concepts will be constructed and operationalized ongoing the preparation of the individual work to be evaluated and will attempt objective 5.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Expository and participatory methodology will be applied during first step (I). Constructive methodology will be applied during the following steps: students will be oriented/guided for their critical reflections regarding research as well as literature research and review and in the construction of their individual preliminary research project. Oral discussion will be evaluated (25%). Construction of the operation table of a research quantitative project will be evaluated (75%)..
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
As presented above, the main objective of this UC is to prepare students to be able to stand up - to conceive and design - their own preliminary research project, under a quantitative methodology, and to balance its opportunity and faisability, under ethical conditions. For thus they have to understand and operationalize basic concepts, technics and procedures of scientific work. So, the combination of a expository and participative metodology with a construtive methodology focused on the preparation of the individual preliminary research project is very adequate-
• Bryman, A. (2016) Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press.
• Walliman, N. (2017) Research Methods: the basics, Routledge.
• Hill, M. M. & Hill, A. (2019) Investigação por Questionário, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa. (B-on).
• Ortmanns, V., Schneider, S. L. (2016) Can we assess representativeness of cross-national survey using the education variable? In Survey Research Methods, 10 , 3, 189-210, DEU, 2016, Base de Dados SSOAR - Social Science Open Access Repository. (B-on).
• Ventura, T. (2014) Coord., Investigando Como se Educa, nº 1 "Crianças Especiais: Educação Inclusiva", Nota de Rodapé Edições, Lisboa.
• Delgado, S., Marín, B. & Sanchez, J. Coord. (2011) Métodos de investigación y análisis de datos en ciencias sociales y de la salud, Ediciones Pirámide, Madrid.
• Lopez, J. & Alonso, R. (2012) Teoría de la educación, metodología, focalizacion, Oxfordes – La mirada pedagógica, Netbiblo, S. L. (B-on).
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Fatima Coelho (