Curricular Unit:Code:
Models and Methods of Psychological Intervention II1138MMI2
3UndergraduatePsychology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) To incorporate historical and epistemological behavioral and cognitive models of psychology;
(ii) To develop knowledge about concepts, theories and techniques of psychological intervention proposed by these models, making their integration with different specialties, domains and application contexts of Psychology
(iv)To develop academic skills for collecting and organizing information, selection of relevant literature, critical reading and comprehension and writing;
(v) To integrate ethical and deontological aspects associated with the psychological intervention;
1st Unit - Behavioral models. Classical conditioning paradigm - direct exposure and gradual exposure. Operant conditioning paradigm: strategies to reduce or to increase the duration, intensity and frequency of a behavior. The social learning paradigm: modeling and behavioral practice; relapse prevention
2nd Unit - Cognitive models. The self control paradigm: strategies of self control: self-observation, control of stimuli and control the consequences. The confrontation skills paradigm: stress inoculation training and training in problem solving. Cognitive restructuring paradigm: strategies of rationally dispute, cognitive restructuring strategies
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus contents focus theoretical specific area of psychological intervention, for enabling the objectives of the course, more specifically: historical and epistemological framing behavioral patterns and cognitive and main concepts, theories and techniques of psychological intervention proposed by these models, making their integration with different specialties, domains and application contexts of psychology; developing academic skills of gathering and organizing information, selecting relevant bibliography, comprehensive and critical reading and writing and integrate ethical and deontological aspects associated with psychological intervention.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching methodology will include theoretical lecturing, research, reading and discussion of specific references, as well as thematic debating and critical reflection. Assessment will be continuous and based on a test (40%), theoretical-practical essay (60%) bas well as students’ punctuality and attendance
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Theoretical classes and content analysis based on the literature provided by the teacher, with active participation of students in the discussion, construction and understanding of content, using the literature search was undertaken by them. Active participation of students in the presentation, and critical reflection of issues with the aim of acquiring and integrating models and techniques of psychological intervention. Theoretical-practical classes with active participation of students in viewing and commenting on videos.
Dobson, K. (2000). Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies. New York: The Guildford Press.
Neto, D. & Baptista, T. (2019). Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamentais (Vol.1 Intervenções Clínicas). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Gonçalves, O. (2014, 6ª edição). Terapias Cognitivas: Teorias e Práticas. Porto: Afrontamento.
Gonçalves, O. (1999). Introdução às Psicoterapias Comportamentais. Coimbra: Quarteto.
Ruggiero, G.M., Spada, M.M., Caselli, G. et al. (2018). A Historical and Theoretical Review of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies: From Structural Self-Knowledge to Functional Processes. J Rat-Emo Cognitive-Behav Ther 36: 378.
Lorenzo-Luaces, L., Keefe, J. R., & DeRubeis, R. J. (2016). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Nature And Relation to Non-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Behavior Therapy, 47, 785–803.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Carla Fonte (