Curricular Unit:Code:
Introduction to Social Sciences784ICS
1UndergraduatePsychology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1. Provide knowledge about the epistemological foundations of Science, as well as the ability to understand its place in society;
2. Provide knowledge and understanding of the scientific method;
3. Provide knowledge of the different paradigms of Science, as well as the ability to apply them to the interpretation of data resulting from the investigation of Social Sciences;
4. Train to understand the plurality of Social Sciences and their place in the interpretation of society;
5. Provide knowledge about the theories of Social Sciences and enable them, using them, to interpret the social reality and judge the pertinence and limitations of the application of each one of them;
6. Train for the theoretical understanding of the structure / agency duality and for its practical application to the analysis of social reality.
7. Train to communicate the results of self-learning, reflection and interpretation about social reality.
1. The historical construction of Social Sciences
Popular knowledge.
Religious knowledge
Philosophical knowledge
Scientific knowledge
2. The epistemology and Science.
The ethical basis of science
The values of Science
3. The scientific method
The concept and the different methods
4. Natural sciences vs Social sciences
5. From theory to empirical reality
Theory, hypotheses, concepts and their operationalization
6. The various Social Sciences
7. The duality structure/agency
Perspectives focused on social structure
Perspectives focused on agency.
8. The confluence of the two perspectives.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Points 1 and 2 will provide knowledge about the history of scientific thought, about the different types of knowledge and about the scientific criteria. Thus, point 1 of the objectives will be fulfilled.
Points 3 and 5 will provide knowledge about the fundamentals of the scientific method. Thus, point 2 of the objectives will be fulfilled.
Points 4, and 6 focus on the discussion around Science and the various Social Sciences. Will thus present the different paradigms that frame the Science and Social Sciences, at their plurality and their particularism, as well as its political and ideological dimension. Thus, points 3 and 4 of the objectives will be fulfilled
Point 7 will present the theoretical perspectives that give more importance to the structure and to the agency. Thus enable students to theoretical reflection on the duality structure / agency and its practical application of theories to the study of society. Thus, points 5, 6 and 7 of the objectives will be fulfilled
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Expositive method and active method.
Theoretical exposition of the syllabus which will give students the knowledge and skills for later relfection and discussion on the issues.
2 tests. 50% for both in the final note.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The use of the lecture method is the best teaching to give students the knowledge referred to in the objectives of the course form. Further understanding and critical reflection of students will be stimulated by the use of active method. For this students will be asked to participate in discussion of topics covered in the course program.
Berberoglu, B. (2017). Social Theory. Classical and Contemporary. A Critical perspective, London: Routledge.
Dorsey, A. & Collier, R. (2018). Origins of Sociological Theory, Essex: ED-Tech Press.
Ferreira, J. (2013). Sociologia. Forte da casa, Forte da Casa, Escolar Editora.
Garcia, J. & Martins, H. (2019). Lições de Sociologia Clássica, Lisboa: Edições 70.
Giddens, A. (2013). Sociologia, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Lemert, C. (2018). Social Theory. The Multicultural, Global, and classic readings, New York: Westview Press.
Ritzer, G. & Stepnisky, J. (2018). Modern Sociological Theory, London: Sage.
Santos, B. (1999). Um Discurso sobre as Ciências. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.