Curricular Unit:Code:
Psychotherapy Models and Techniques1108MTPS
1MasterClinical and Health Psychology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This unit is follows a route prepared in previous years. In the case of Models and Techniques of Psychotherapy, a transversal perspective was adopted to the great theoretical models of psychotherapy, based on 3 fundamental vectors: the client and his problem, the therapist and the psychotherapeutic context. Thus, the major theoretical models are approached taking into account these three points of support for the critical analysis of the therapeutic relationship, the therapeutic change factors, the contextual and individual barriers, among other dimensions. With common factors in mind, more attention is paid to therapeutic practices (dynamics, behavioral, cognitive and systemic, among others) and their adequacy to specific clinical settings, from an empirically validated perspective.
Unit 1: Definition and research in psychotherapy
1. Definition of psychotherapy: the scientific status
2. Characterization of theoretical frameworks: psychodynamic; cognitive-behavioral; existential-humanist and systemic
3. The common factors in psychotherapies: factors of the therapist; of patients and the therapeutic relationship
4. The effectiveness of psychotherapy: results and process investigation
5. The practice of Psychotherapy in Portugal and Europe: training, supervision and personal development in psychotherapy
Unit 2: Psychotherapeutic Interventions
1. The different individual, couple, family and group therapeutic approaches
2. The selection of empirically validated treatments: requirements and challenges
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The UC program was developed with reference to the deepening of knowledge and skills required for the professional practice of psychology in the clinical and health context.
Specifically, and based on an organization in two units of instruction (CP), they comprise program contents that, based on previously established learning objectives (OA), favor the development and deepening of knowledge and skills in the following areas: definition, research in psychotherapy And the process of therapeutic intervention.
In this way, there is a complete coherence and correspondence between the program content and the OA, namely: CP1 - OA1 and OA2; CP2 - OA3
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
In the course of the contact hours (distributed in theoretical-practical classes, tutorial orientation and others) are privileged the methodologies of expositive, demonstrative, participatory and active teaching. The hours of non-contact are dedicated to the autonomous work of the student. The UC evaluation regime can be continuous or by final exam (end of semester, resource and special). In the continuous assessment, the minimum attendance percentage defined in the Regulatory Standards is guaranteed, and the following elements are considered: execution of two theoretical-practical works, whose information will be provided by the teacher. The first corresponds to the preparation of a written clinical report of a clinical case where a psychotherapeutic plan will be drawn up (50% weighting). The second refers to the oral presentation in class of this same clinical case (oral knowledge test - 50%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies adopted are aligned with the learning objectives (OA) defined for the CU. We value the articulation of expository methodologies, where the presentation and development of the programmatic contents will be done, with more practical methodologies, in which critical discussions will be promoted, case studies and observation activities of Cases in the Pedagogical Clinic of Psychology. The aim of this articulation is to promote an active learning that allows the deepening of the topics under study, the integration of theory with practice and the improvement of skills and professional skills in this area of activity. Specifically, the expository methodology, through the presentation and systematization of the subjects, will allow the development and conceptual and theoretical deepening; The demonstrative methodology, through the illustration of the selection of empirically validated treatments, will allow the improvement of intervention competences; Finally, the participatory methodologies, through the critical analysis of case studies, and the active, through the guidance of individual works, will also allow the improvement of psychological intervention skills. The hours of non-contact will be devoted to the student's autonomous work, where the reading of the recommended bibliography and the accomplishment of the proposed (individual) activities will be assured, in order to allow him to deepen, consolidate and apply his knowledge and develop Skills and competences in this field. The combination of these different methodologies will allow the student to reach the proposed OA for the UC, objectives that, for the most part, articulate knowledge, skills and competences. This coherence between the OA and the teaching (and assessment) methodologies adopted takes the form of: OA1 - Expositive, participatory and active methods (active participation in contact hours); OA2 and OA3 - Expositive, demonstrative, participatory and active methods (individual written and oral work, active participation in contact hours).
Campbell, L.; Norcross, J. Vasquez, M. & Kaslow, N. (2013). Recognition of Psychotherapy Effectiveness: The APA Resolution. Psychotherapy, 50 (1), 98-101. DOI: 10.1037/a0031817.
Carr, A. (2014). Manual de Psicologia Clínica da Criança e do Adolescente: uma abordagem contextual. Braga: Psiquilíbrios Edições.
Carr. A. (2016). The handbook of adult clinical psychology: an evidence-based practice. London: Routledge,
Leal, I. (2018). Psicoterapias. Lisboa: Pactor.
Norcross, J. & Wamplod, B. (2011) What works for whom: Tailoring Psychotherapy to the person. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 67(2), 127--132. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20764
Hofman, S. & Weinberger, J. (Eds) (2007). The art and science of psychotherapy. New York: Routledge.
Hersen, M & Sledge, W. (Eds.-Chief) (2002). Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy. Elsevier Science.
Biscaia, C. & Neto, D. (2019). A prática profissional da Psicoterapia. Lisboa: Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses