Curricular Unit:Code:
Psychopathology, Psychodiagnostic and Psychopharmacology991PDFA
1MasterClinical and Health Psychology8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1) Acquisition, development and deepening of knowledge in psychopathology, psychological assessment and psychopharmacology: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics;
2) Integration of methods, techniques, concepts, models and theories related to biopsychosocial research in psychopathology, diagnosis and psychological and pharmacological interventions; Study of the main agents acting in the CNS and its role in the treatment of some diseases with interest in psychology.
3) Acquisition, development and deepening of knowledge and skills of assessment and psychological intervention in psychopathology
4) To improve oral and written communication skills;
5) To develop a critical attitude and self-criticism, as well as to adopt ethical values.
The course consists of theoretical and practical presentation of psychopathology, psychodiagnosis and psychopharmacology in order to promote the deepening of knowledge in major nosological frameworks of psychopathology, techniques and tools in clinical evaluation and transdiagnosis, and methods of psychological and psychopharmacological intervention. Introduces the general principles of pharmacology, the general cycle and mechanisms of action of drugs in the body and in the CNS and the various categories of drugs used in degenerative and psychiatric disorders .The course promotes reflection on epistemological and methodological issues related to psychopathology, psychodiagnosis and psychopharmacology, as well as on clinical and therapeutical research modalities and intervention.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
1st Unit: The contents favor the deepening of subjects of psychopathology and psychodiagnosis, allowing to achieve the main goals of the course, namely: to have the knowledge and the capacity to understand psychopathology and psychological diagnosis in order to develop clinical research and intervention; to apply the acquired knowledge in psychopathology and psychodiagnosis and to develop the ability to understand and to assess clinical cases. To develop a critical attitude, a professional deontology and ethical reasoning in clinical psychological profession.
2nd Unit: The contents favor the deepening of theoretical and applied knowledge in psychopharmacology, reaching the main goals of acquisition, development and deepening of knowledge and assessment capabilities of psychopharmacological intervention in psychopathology. The Unit presents the objective of integrating knowledge related to research and intervention in psychopharmacology, developing critical thinking and ethics.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodology will include theoretical exposition, research, reading and discussion of specific bibliography as well as thematic debates and critical reflections. The assessment will be continuous, based on two written assessment tests (45% each), as well as the execution of theoretical-practical tasks (10%) in the first unit.
The approval of the curricular unit will comprise the evaluation of the two components (Psychopathology and Psychopharmacology). The evaluation of the Psychopharmacology component will comprise two written tests with a weight of 50% each test. The final classification of the course unit will be 50% of the Psychopathology component and 50% of Psychopharmacology component
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
1st Unit: Theoretical lectures characterizing the area of psychopathology and psychodiagnosis; Analysis and presentation of scientific articles, books and authors of psychopathology and psychological diagnosis; Individual and group debate in order to develop and deepen the knowledge of the area and and the acquisition and development of research and clinical intervention skills, including the formulation of clinical cases, diagnosis and planning of intervention, transdiagnosis and evaluation of change processes in psychopathology. 2nd Unit: Theoretical lectures characterizing the area of ??psychopharmacology; Research, reading and discussion of professional literature for the acquisition, development and deepening of knowledge and assessment skills in psychopharmacological intervention in psychopathology. Articulation of biomedical knowledge and clinical psychology related to multidisciplinary teamwork, intervention and research, developing a critical attitude and adopting ethical values.
APA-DSM-5.(2014) –Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais. 5. ª Edição. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores. BFP 616.89/DSM/90513
Brune, M. (2016). Textbook of evolutionary psychopathology & psychosomatic Medicine. The origins of psychopathology.UK: Oxford University Press. BFP 616.89/BRU/100328
Brunton, L. et al. (2018).
Goodman & Gilman´s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13th edition (11th, BFP). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Cunha, Jurema Acides (2020) Psicodiagnóstico - 5ª ed. - Porto Alegre Artmed, BFP 616.89/CUN/20305
Dalgalarrondo, P. (2018). Psicopatologia e semiologia dos transtornos mentais. Artmed Editora.
Guimarães, S., Moura, D. & Soares da Silva, D. (2014).Terapêutica Medicamentosa e suas Bases Farmacológicas. 6ª edição, Porto Editora.
Katzung et al. (2018). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 14th edition (13th, BFP). New York:
Ritter, J., et al. (2019). Rang and Dale's pharmacology, 9th edition (8th, BFP). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier