Curricular Unit:Code:
Adaptive Behavior and Adapted Motor Activity1066CAAM
1MasterEducational Sciences: Special Education (Cognitive and Motor Domain)4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Specific objectives of your teaching:
Adaptive Behavior and Adapted Motor Activity aims to provide knowledge bases on the framing of the behavior of the person with disabilities with a view to their autonomy and independence, through adapted physical activity, healthy eating and adequate sleep habits.
Skills to be acquired:
SA1- Identify and understand the components and areas of adaptive behavior.
SA2- Recognize the importance of food, sleep and physical activity in the health and well-being of people with disabilities.
SA3- Understand the scales for assessing adaptive behavior.
SA4- Identify and understand the importance of adapted physical activity with a view to the health, autonomy, independence and socialization of people with disabilities.
C1. Adaptive behavior. Components and areas. Capabilities, Involvement and Functionality. The influence of food, sleep and physical activity. Adaptive Behavior Assessment Scales.
CP2. Adapted physical activity: Movement, Body, Environment and Adaptation Capacity. Functional Mobility and Independence. Activities of the Person with Motor Disabilities and other disabilities. Accessibility and Mobility. Adaptation Creation, Culture, Sport and Leisure.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
C1. Adaptive behavior - aims to reach SA1, SA2 and SA3.
C2. Adapted physical activity - aims to reach SA4.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
M1 - Use of the Canvas platform to store didactic material (lesson slides, support texts developed by the teacher and worksheets) that will be made available to students.
M2- Oral presentation of the concepts that are at the base of the syllabus, stimulating the students' participation, answering questions.
M3 - Autonomous research and study activities.
The assessment will be continuous with a written test (70%) and group work (30%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
M1 - Use of the Canvas platform to store didactic material (lesson slides, support texts developed by the teacher and worksheets) that will be made available to students - all objectives. M2- Oral presentation of the concepts that are at the basis of the syllabus, stimulating student participation, answering questions - all objectives. M3 - Research and independent study activities- all objectives. Theoretical-practical classes C 1. Description: They combine the theoretical dimension with practical applicability. They will also have the role of deepening certain themes. C.2. Objective: To develop contextualized learning around key issues. In addition to the contact hours provided for in the school period, the learning process can be guided by the teacher in person (office hours) or using institutional digital communication tools (e-mail / e-learning).
Almeida JP, Silva M-RG. 2020. A gestão democrática aplicada à educação alimentar em escolas públicas do Município de Raposa, Maranhão, Brasil. DOI:10.36229/978-65-86127-06-5.
Cordovil R, Barreiros J. 2014. Desenvolvimento motor na infância.Cruz Quebrada: UL-FMH.
Fonseca V. 2000. Comportamento adaptativo.Revista de educação especial e reabilitação; 7/1:37-46.
Freitas R, Silva M-RG. 2018. Athletes’ attitudes about food and supplementation in adapted sports.Revista científica da FPDPD, 4(1):56-63.
Pereira P, Silva M-RG. O desporto paralímpico no contexto educacional.In:Perspectivas contemporâneas de educação.Rio Janeiro:Pembroke Collins,2020.
Silva M-RG. 2015. Alimentação na ginástica:de pais para filhos.Lisboa:FGP/IPDJ I.P.
Silva M-RG, Paiva T. 2015. Sono, Nutrição, Ritmo Circadiano, Jet Lag e Desempenho Desportivo. Lisboa:FGP/IPDJ I.P.
Winnick JP. 2011. Adapted physical education and sport, 5thed.Champaign,IL:Human Kinetics.