Curricular Unit:Code:
In-depth Issues in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure994QADP
1MasterCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
It is intended that students be able to have an overview of the purpose of criminal proceedings, distinguishing between its different phases, the various procedural subjects and roles of each of the main aspects of the subjects and to acquire capacity in handling and proper use of relevant discipline.
- Structure of the Portuguese criminal process in the context of contemporary legal systems.
- Portuguese penal sanctioning system
- Some aspects of the law of evidence regarding to the evidence and the taking of evidence and fundamental rights issues related
- Alternative forms of conflict resolution in Criminal Law
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Syllabus contents focus on specific theoretical issues in the area of Criminal Law and Procedure assessment in forensic context, thus enabling the fulfillment of the course objectives, specifically: to integrate knowledge, skills and abilities so as to have a technical; to demonstrate knowledge and skills in performing tasks on daily basis;
To demonstrate oral and written communication skills of expert assessment contents; to show autonomy and responsible conduct on duty.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Theoretical exposition of contents; Practical exercises with the aim of demonstrating knowledge and skills in performing tasks related with Criminal Law and Procedure; Master main legislation on this area. To demonstrate oral and written communication skills of expert assessment contents; to show autonomy and responsible conduct in practice.
Andrade, Manuel da Costa (2013). Sobre as proibições de prova em processo penal. Coimbra Editora
Ambos, K. (2016). Ensaios de Direito penal e processual penal. Almedina.
Castro, R. (2018). Instrução. 2ª edição. Quid Iuris Editora.
Cunha, Maria Conceição (2016) Combate à Violência de Género- Da Convenção de Istambul à nova Legislação Penal. Universidade Católica
Leite, André Lamas (2008).A mediação penal de adultos. Coimbra Editora
Sousa, S. M. A. (2019). Questões Fundamentais de Direito Penal da Empresa. Almedina