Curricular Unit:Code:
Environmental, Cyber and Transnational Crime994CACT
1MasterCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This course, concerning the Environmental Crime: at the end, the student should has specific skills such as:Having a transversal view on key environmental concepts and issues;Ability to assess and identify the cases of environmental crime;know the main legal tools of concern.
Skills to be acquired: knowing the historical and contemporary dimensions of transnational crime.
Understand the different dimensions of transnational crime and explain its etiology .
Knowing the historical and contemporary dimensions of transnational crime .
Critically analyze the factors that make individuals vulnerable to crime states .
Demonstrated ability to develop , independently , research on topics related to transnational crime and demonstrate their understanding of the issues through exposure to a research and presentation of their results .
Being able to make projections about the development trends of transnational crim
1. Environment basic concepts; Pollutant, pollution and load capacity; presentation of the different environmental reservoirs;
2. State of the environment in Portugal; Environmental perspective reservoir by reservoir;
3. Law and environmental crime; The Basic Law on the Environment; Environmental crime in the Portuguese Penal Code.
1. Cyber-crime
1.1 Technical, legal and organizational aspects
1.2 Security Models and scenarios
2. Privacy and Security
2.2 Legal, societal and technical aspects
3 Computer hacking, computer crime
3.1 Hacking, cracking, virus
3.2 Fraud, identity theft
4 Information hiding
1. The emergence of the concept “transnational " in Criminology .
1.1 Transnational crime and international crime
1.2 Archetypal and contemporary forms of transnational crime
2.1 Human Trafficking
2.2 Drug trafficking
2.3 Illegal Sale of antiques
3. International Response Instruments
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus provides students with an environmental background training to critically analyze issues of environment and environmental crime.
The course contents aim at giving students a social, technical and legal perspective on cyber-crime, preparing students to be able to identity, analyze and develop cyber-crime scenarios, and the underlying security measures.
Over the course students will analyze the different dimensions of transnational crime , including historical and contemporary patterns of this form of crime. Specific areas of transnational crime will also be addressed in order to provide students the opportunity to understand the factors that make countries particularly vulnerable to this form of crime .
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodology is based on class lectures, complemented with individual written assignments and three 1 hour written final exam.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodology is based on exposure of concepts and analysis of situations, inviting students to discuss the issues addressed, seeking information on possible scenarios of environmental crime. The technical knowledge of the most profound environmental issues is beyond the goals of this course, the students only test scenarios from the viewpoint of the observer. Students should be able to identify, analyze and develop scenarios for cyber-crime situations, and as such they should be able to collect information, know the legal, social and technical implications of a threat, and be aware of the available mechanisms to respond. This knowledge can be acquired through lectures, assignments, and discussions. Theoretical and practical; practical exercises on conducting bibliography research regarding thematic areas, using the databases subscribed by the University; group discussions where they will promote the analysis of the subjects addressed in this teaching unit.
White, R. (2008). Crimes Against Nature: Environmental Criminology and Ecological Justice. ISBN-13: 978-1843923619.
McQuade, S., "Understanding and Managing Cybercrime", Pearson Education, 2006,
Bruce Schneier, "Applied Cryptography", John Wiley & Sons, 1996, ISBN: 0-471-11709-9
Menezes Cordeiro, A. B. (2020). Direito da Proteção de Dados. Edições Almedina SA.
Conselho da Europa, Convenção sobre o Cibercrime.
Ferreira, M. (2017) Estudos Críticos da Paz e Crime Organizado Transnacional. RCCS, 113, pp 29-50.
Hough, P. [et al.]. (2015). International security studies: theory and practice. New York : Routledge.
Unlu, A. & Ekici, B. (2012) The extent to which demographic characteristics determine international drug (…). TOC , 15, 4, 296–312
Zabyelina, Y. (2013). The untouchables: transnational organized crime behind diplomatic (…). TOC, 16, 343-357.