Curricular Unit:Code:
Terrorism and Security Measures1162TMSG
3UndergraduateCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
i) - Promote the integration of concepts, theories, and knowledge about the history and practice of terrorism;
ii) - Promote the acquisition, development, and deepening of knowledge and skills that allow the identification and analysis of the terrorist phenomenon, as a type of very serious and politically motivated crime;
iii) - Familiarize students with the latest terrorism and counterterrorism investigation, analysis, and practice in this field of knowledge. Promote a critical and inquisitive attitude.
iv) - Improve oral and written communication skills and self-critical learning.
v) - Encourage the adoption of moral and ethical values in studies on terrorism and related national security matters.
1. Presentation and organization of the course
2 Introduction to the study of terrorism
3. The causes of terrorism: four levels of analysis
4. The four waves of modern terrorism
5. The terrorist nebula: ideology, strategies and modus operandi
6. The terrorist's psychological profile
7. Terrorism, Religious Fundamentalism and Islam
8. Terrorism and suicide bombers
9. Terrorism and strategic communication
10. Terrorism and radicalization in cyberspace
11. Terrorism and counterterrorism in Portugal
12. Counterterrorism: Instruments, Strategies and Dilemmas
13. Preventing extremism and political violence
14. The Contemporary Terrorist Threat: Global Jihad
15. The future of terrorism
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Syllabus contents focus on specific theoretical issues in the area of terrorism, thus enabling the fulfillment of the course objectives, specifically: to have knowledge and ability to understand for the study of terrorism; To apply the knowledge and understanding acquired capacity in order to allow for proper assessment of terrorist actions and implementation of Security & Safety measures to prevent terrorism.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical-practical methodology that combine a structured and articulated presentation of the themes included in the syllabus with group discussions (programmed beforehand) among students, so that students can apply theoretical knowledge and concepts to practical situations.
- Test - 50%
- Essay assignment - 50%
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The use of a theoretical-practical methodology as above detailed allows students to acquire knowledge (e.g., through the reading of the texts included in the bibliography and the attendance to classes), demonstrate their ability to critically reasoning (e.g., group discussions, essay.), demonstrate the capacity to perform critical analysis (e.g., test and essay).
Ganor, B. (2017). The Counter-terrorism Puzzle: A Guide for Decision Makers, Nova Iorque, Routledge - BFP
Hoffman, B. (2017). Inside Terrorism. Nova Iorque, Columbia University Press - BFP
Hobsbawm, E. (2008). Globalização, Democracia e Terrorismo, Lisboa, Editorial Presença - BFP
Townshend, C. (2018). Terrorism. A very short introduction, Oxford, OUP - BFP
Sandler, T. (2018). Terrorism: What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford, OUP
Ventura, J.P. & Carvalho, C. M. (2020). Da Radicalização Ideológica ao Terrorismo, Lisboa, Diário de Bordo - BFP