Curricular Unit:Code:
Correctional Systems and Execution of Sentences1162SPEP
3UndergraduateCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1) To know and understand basic concepts, techniques and strategies related to prison systems.
2) To know how to apply acquired knowledges and comprehension skills, in order to analyze, synthesize and integrate different prison systems, as well as a research attitude.
3) To know how to plan protocols and programs related in prison contexts.
4) To develop skills to select and interpret relevant information for for complex situations, basing their argument from a social, scientific and ethical point.
5) To develop skills to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions related to crime.
6) To develop skills needed in the 21st century and improving access to lifelong learning opportunities focused on crime prevention in a self-oriented and autonomous way.
1. Prison Sistems: History and philosophy of prison. Deviancy and an institutional response. Prison Models. The 21th-Century Prison. Prison Architecture
2. Prison management. Legal regulation. Correctional staff and management. Human rights and enforcement of sentences. Prisoners rights and duties
3. Execution of sentences and prison treatment. Characteristics of the prison population. Classification and rehabilitation. Prison programs.Impact of corrections on re-offending.Transition from jail to community. Parole.
4. Alternative punishments. Decriminalization. Possible alternatives to sentences of imprisonment. Early release. Restorative justice
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
This course's contents were selected based on their empirical validity, applicability and relevance to the field. The inclusion of diverse approaches provides students with a comprehensive perspective of the actual scope of this field. Hence, the course contents provide students with a solid, comprehensive, up to date and empirically valid basis to build their knowledge on, encouraging further research as well as the application of the presented theoretical models.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methods are theoretical-practical classes, including (1) explanation and debate of relevant theoretical concepts; (2) demonstration of the practical application of those concepts; and (3) guidance of autonomous study by the students, consulting the recommended references.
Evaluation will consist of an oral test (50%) and a practical exercise in which the student must demonstrate his/her knowledge and skills related to sentences application and execution in Portuguese context.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The explanation of the theoretical models is essential for the students' understanding, as is the in class debate of these models. The explanation is accompanied by examples of practical applications of the presented theoretical models, and students are requested to provide further examples. These methods stimulate the development of an integrative, pragmatic and analytical approach to the presented theoretical models, as well as a general investigative, critically reflective and knowledge-seeking attitude. This course's contents were selected based on their empirical validity, applicability and relevance to the field. The inclusion of diverse approaches provides students with a comprehensive perspective of the actual scope of this field. Hence, the course contents provide students with a solid, comprehensive, up to date and empirically valid basis to build their knowledge on, encouraging further research as well as the application of the presented theoretical models.
Boavida, J. (2018). A Flexibilização da Prisão: Da Reclusão à Liberdade. Lisboa: Almedina.
Birxh, P & Sicard, L. (2020). Prisons and Community Corrections: Critical Issues and Emerging Controversies (Innovations in Corrections) Routledge
Gonçalves, P. C. (2009). A Pena Privativa de Liberdade. Evolução história e doutrinal. Lisboa: Quid Juris.
Jewkes, Y. (2008). Handbook on Prisons. Devon: Willan.
Moreira, J. A., Barros, R., Machado, A. e Monteiro, A. (2016). Sistemas Prisionais. Lisboa: Whitebooks
Stohr, M. K. & Walsh, A. (2019). Corrections: The Essentials. Los Angeles: Sage.