Curricular Unit:Code:
Sex Crimes and Gender1162CSXG
3UndergraduateCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Students should be able to:
OA1 - Acquire theoretical-practical knowledge and ability to understand concepts, theories and models in the area of sexual crime in diverse contexts and with different populations in the scope of professional practice in criminology;
OA2 - Acquire theoretical-practical knowledge and capacity to understand different typological approaches to sexual abuse of children and young people perpetrated by primary and secondary abusers and in diverse contexts;
OA3 - Acquire theoretical-practical knowledge and ability to understand different models regarding the predatory behavior of sexual offenders;
OA4 - Acquire theoretical-practical knowledge that allows them to problematize the relationship between sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation in diverse contexts and with different populations in the scope of professional practice in criminology.
CP1 - The etiological perspective of sexual aggression
CP2 - Typological Approaches to Rape
CP3 - Sexual abuse of children and minors
CP4 - Predatory behavior of sexual offenders
CP5 - Gender, gender and criminology
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The UC program was developed with reference to the acquisition of knowledge necessary to understand the problem of sexual crime from a gender perspective. It also presupposes the acquisition of technical skills that, according to scientific evidence, promote a potentially more effective intervention among different populations and in different contexts associated with the practice of criminology.
Specifically, based on an organization in 5 units of instruction (CP), it includes programmatic contents that, based on the four previously established learning objectives (OA), favor the acquisition and deepening of knowledge and skills in the following areas: etiology of sexual aggression , typologies of rape, sexual abuse of children and minors; predatory behavior of sexual offenders; and gender, gender and criminology.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
In the course of the contact hours, the methodologies of expositive, demonstrative, participatory and active teaching are privileged. The hours of non-contact are dedicated to the autonomous work of the student. The assessment regime of the UC may be continuous or by final exam (end of semester, resource and special). In the continuous assessment, the following elements are considered: two written tests (50% + 50%). The student who does not obtain approval in the continuous assessment can take the final written exam (100%). For the ECTS credits, the student must demonstrate the acquisition of the defined objectives and competences, obtaining a final classification equal or superior to 9.5 values.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The adopted teaching methodologies are aligned with the learning objectives (OA) defined for the CU, aiming to provide the student with knowledge about sexuality and gender. It is also intended to stimulate spaces of applied discussion based on practical examples that represent the diversity of contexts and populations targeted for intervention in criminology. In this context, we highlight the articulation of methodologies of an expository nature, where the presentation and development of the programmatic contents will be done, with more practical methodologies in which to stimulate critical reflections on them. The aim of this articulation is to promote an active learning that allows the deepening of the topics under study, the integration of theory with practice and the improvement of skills and professional skills in this area of activity. Specifically, the expository methodology, through the presentation and systematization of the subjects, will allow the development and conceptual and theoretical deepening; the demonstrative methodology, through the illustration and replication of intervention procedures, will allow the improvement of performance competencies; Finally, participatory methodologies, through a critical and guided analysis of practical examples, will facilitate the refinement of diagnostic and intervention skills, as well as a deepening of the subjects under study. The hours of non-contact will be devoted to the student's autonomous work, which will ensure reading of the recommended bibliography so as to enable him to deepen, consolidate and apply his knowledge and to develop skills and competences in the field of sexual crime as well as the resolution of problems and difficulties in this area.
Caridade, S., Sani. A.I., Nunes, L. M., Estrada, R., & Viana, F. (Eds) (2019). Abordagens Contemporâneas de Vitimação, Violência e Crime. Lisboa: Coisas de Ler.
Gartner, R., & McCarthy, B. (Eds.). (2014). Gender, Sex, and Crime. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mallicoat, S. L. (2019). Women, Gender, and Crime: Core Concepts. Sage Publications.
Peterson, G., & Panfil, V. R. (Eds). (2014). Handbook of LGBT Communities, Crime, and Justice. Springer.
Peterson, D., & Panfil, V. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of LGBT Communities, Crime, and Justice. New York: Springer.
Sani, A., & Caridade, S. (Eds) (2018) Violência, Agressão e Vitimização- Práticas de Intervenção. Coimbra: Almedina.
Seal, L. (2022). Gender, Crime, and Justice. Palgrave macmillan.
Williams, M. L., & Levi, M. (2017). Sexual Crimes. In N. Tilley, & A. Sidebottom (Ed.), Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety (pp.439-453). New York: Routledge.