Curricular Unit:Code:
Criminal Inquiry Techniques1178TICR
2UndergraduateCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Instrumental skills -cognitive and methodological: understanding and treating ideas and thoughts, understanding the phenomenon's interdisciplinarity, relating knowledge to social and criminal reality and identifying the phenomenon's manifestations in society. Develop the ability to organize and systematize thoughts, raise basic general knowledge to specific, produce information.
Methodological skills: ability to organize time, plan the study and define appropriate learning strategies
Interpersonal skills: develop the ability to work in groups, foster cooperation, strengthen social and ethical commitments and the ability to work in a multicultural environment and interdisciplinary groups
Systemic skills - capacities and skills: implement the ability to apply practical knowledge, adapt to new situations, produce new ideas. Foster the spirit of initiative and concern for the quality of work
1. Criminal investigation framework
1.1 Fundamental concepts
2. Criminal investigation within the Portuguese legal system
2.1 Criminal investigation possibilities and limitations
3. Criminal investigation strategies and methods
4. Criminal investigation step by step
5. Criminal investigation and specific types of crime
6. Technology and Criminal investigation
6.1 Science and police work
7 Undercover operations
8. Tactical events
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the procedures and techniques used in criminal investigations, and how they can initiated a developed within the domestic legal system. For this purpose, students will learn different criminal investigation techniques and the steps that an investigation encompasses. Next, students will learn the specificities of criminal investigations in serious and violent crimes and the innovative technology that supports investigations. Finally, students will study the rules for undercover investigations and gain some insight on tactical policy events. The subjects discussed throughout the semester will allow students to build a comprehensive framework of the procedures and techniques used in criminal investigations.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical-practical methodology that combine a structured and articulated presentation of the themes included in the syllabus with group discussions (programmed beforehand) among students, so that students can apply theoretical knowledge and concepts to practical situations.
- Two written tests - 50% each
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The use of a theoretical-practical methodology allows students to acquire theoretical knowledge (for example, through reading the texts included in the bibliography and their presence in class) and demonstrate their capacity for critical reflection. The practical aspect (for example, through group discussions), allows them to apply the acquired concepts to practical, concrete and real (although simulated) situations in the daily lives of those who carry out criminal investigations. With the realization of the written tests, it is intended that the students perspect, analytically, the contents covered in the discipline.
ASFIC, 2008, 1 Congresso de Investigação Criminal – Modelos de Polícia e Investigação Criminal, a relação entre o ministério público e a polícia judiciária, Ed. Asfic/Pj
ASFIC, 2012, III Congresso de Investigação Criminal–Novas perspetivas e desafios, Ed. Asfic/Pj
Birzer, Michael e Roberson , 2011, Introduction to Criminal Investigation, Routledge Ed.
BRAZ, José, 2015, Ciência, Tecnologia e Investigação Criminal: Interdependências e Limites num Estado de Direito Democrático, Almedina
Código de Processo Penal,2020 Almedina,
Código Penal,2020, Almedina
PINHEIRO, M. Fat. Torres, 2008, CSI Criminal, Ed. UFP
ROLAND, Paul, 2008, “Cenas de Crime”, Ed. D. Quixote.