Curricular Unit:Code:
Methodology of Social Sciences1178MCSO
1UndergraduateCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Promote knowledge and comprehension skills at a level that, based on secondary level knowledge, develops and deepens them. It is intended to develop the ability to understand the specificities of scientific knowledge in SC and the role of the method in it. It will provide knowledge in order for the student to identify the different methodological approaches as well as the different tools for collecting and analyzing information. Empower students to show the ability to collect, select and interpret relevant information, particularly in the area of methodological choices in SC, which enables them to substantiate the solutions they recommend and the judgments they make, including in the analysis the scientific and social aspects relevant ethical principles. It wishes to promote the understanding of the applied character of the knowledge produced by the SC in order to develop the skills that allow them to learn throughout their lives, with a high degree of autonomy.
1. Social Sciences: definition
1.1.The emergence of the Social Sciences; the Enlightenment and the project of Modernity; the moral sciences (J-J Rousseau and A Comte)
2. Knowledge
2.1. knowledge: different knowledge systems
2.2. Scientific knowledge: characteristics
2.2.1. knowledge of common sense vs. knowledge of science
3. Scientific knowledge: Epistemology and the validation of knowledge
3.1.method: definition and centrality in science
3.2. Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
3.3. The Myth of Rationalism
4. Methodologies in Social Sciences
4.1. Qualitative methodologies vs quantitative methodologies
4.2. Types of Studies
4.3. Forms of data collection
4.3.1. sample types
4.3.2. Interviews vs questionnaires
4.4.Type of statistics
5. Relevant Theories and Methods in the Social Sciences - Analysis of Some Examples
(Durkheim; Mauss; Bourdieu; Goffman; Becker; Foucault)
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The CU will aim to develop the capacity to understand the specificities of scientific knowledge in social sciences (points 1, 2, 3 and 4), particularly the role of the method in it (point 2 and 3); provide basic information on the tools of qualitative and quantitative approaches (points 4 and 5). Promote the understanding of the applied nature of the knowledge produced by the CS (point 6). Students should develop the ability to collect, select and interpret relevant information, particularly in their area of study, to enable them to base their solutions and the judgments they make, including in analyzing relevant scientific and ethical social aspects; develop skills that allow them to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialists.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching based on theoretical lectures of expository nature Written tests in order to test acquisition of knowledge, but in particular capacity for properly structured apprehension of the theories addressed - which should be reflected in an equally structured written elaboration 3 written tests (30% + 30% + 40 %). The evaluation will be based on the student's ability to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding, which should show a professional approach to the work developed in their vocational area.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The nature of the program is eminently theoretical which fits the type of class; the evaluation by means of written tests aims at the development of the capacities stated in the Objectives. Such a strategy of teaching / learning aims to develop in students the ability to solve problems within their area of study, and to constitute and substantiate their own argument.
1 CAMPENHOUDT, L V, (2003). Introdução à análise dos fenómenos sociais, Lisboa:Gradiva (BFP 303/CAM/21509)
2 COUTINHO, C P, (2015). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Almedina (BFP 001.8/COU/97503)
3 DOURADO, I P, (2018). Senso comum e Ciência, In Educar em Revista. 34(70):pp213-229
4 NUNES, Sedas Pedro, (1991), Questões preliminares sobre as ciências sociais, Lisboa: Ed Presença (SOQ 301.01/NUN(85)/13113)
5 FRANCESCUTTI, P, (2019). La narración audiovisual como documento social histórico, In EMPIRIA, Vol 0, Iss 42, pp137-161 (B-on DOI:10.5944/empiria.42.2019.23255 )
6 HODDY, E T. (2019). Critical Realism in Empirical Research, In International Journal of Social Research Methodology, v22 n1:pp111-124 (B-On:DOI:10.1080/13645579.2018.1503400 )
7 MOHAJAN, H K. (2018). Qualitative research methodology in S Sciences.J of Economic Development, Environment & People, Vol.7 (1): pp23-48 (B-On:DOI: 10.26458/jedep.v7i1.571)