Curricular Unit:Code:
Crime and Addictions1178CADI
2UndergraduateCriminology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
i)Acquire knowledge about the different explanatory approaches to the drug-crime phenomenon; (ii) To be able to apply the knowledge acquired to the practices with the population “drug-crime specialists”; iii) Be able to obtain and interpret indicators referring to drug-crime cases in order to intervene properly; iv) Have the ability to solve problems identified in a drug-crime population; v) To be able to develop knowledge adaptable to the intervention framework with drug-crime specialists.
I - Historical context and epistemological - the first hypothesis and the first studies on the drug-crime relationship. The addict as a victim and offender. Risk and protection.
II - The the drug-crime link deterministic approaches. The explanations based on causal relation.
III - Approaches centered on the structures of the individual in the drug-crime link.
IV - Approaches centered in the process of installation and development of the drug-crime link. The addict offenders - functional analysis. The profile and the "styles" addict, delinquent and the drug-crime specialist.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Units I, II and III - Program content privileges the deepening of knowledge and the development of competences in the different explanatory approaches on the drug-crime phenomenon: To dominate the different explanatory approaches of the drug-crime phenomenon; Develop and apply the framework of analysis and intervention with the drug-crime specialist.
Unit IV - Program contents focus on deepening knowledge and skills development in the analysis and intervention in drug-crime populations: Acquire, develop and deepen knowledge and skills to distinguish the "styles" drug addict, delinquent and drug- crime; Apply this knowledge to the identification of the drug-crime specialist; Develop and apply the framework of analysis and intervention with the drug-crime specialist.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretic-practical classes, and research literature in reading and interpretation of texts, providing the theoretical basis relating to the main points of the program, for application to specific cases, through the development of small jobs whose execution will be monitored in the context of living class. Creating open spaces for debate on the work performed.
The evaluation shall be continuous and periodic, with two written tests (50% each)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Units I, II, and III - Theoretical exhibition of contents; Presentation of examples that allow reflection and clarification of concepts Unit IV - Statements; Practical exercises based on practical cases, opening spaces for debate.
Agra, C. (2002). Entre droga e crime (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Notícias (Biblioteca BFP 613.8).
Bennett, T. & Holloway, K. (2009). The causal connection between drug misuse and crime. British Journal of Criminology, 49 (4), 513-531. (B-ON)
Brochu, S. (2003). Drogue et violence: ... Toxicodependências, 9 (2), 61-70
Chris, A. (2017). Crime, drugs and social theory. New York: Routledge.
Contreras, C. (2019). Drugs, crime, space and time...Justice Quarterly, 37(2). 187-209. (B-ON).
Maia, R., Nunes, L., Caridade, S.,... Afonso, L. (2016). Dicionário Crime, justiça e sociedade. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. (Biblioteca BFP 343.9)
Nunes, L. (2011). Droga-Crime: (Des)Construções. Porto: Edições UFP. (Biblioteca BFP 343.9:613.83)
Nunes, L. & Trindade, J. (2016). Crime e drogas. Relações psicológicas, comportamentais e jurídicas. Porto Alegre: LA.(Biblioteca BFP 343.9)
Sani, A. & Caridade, S. (2016). Práticas de intervenção... Lisboa: Pactor. (Biblioteca BFP 343.98)