Curricular Unit:Code:
Spanish II777ESP2
2UndergraduatePolitical Science and International Relations6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Avanzar en los conocimientos adquiridos en el primer nivel, estimulando la motivación del alumno más allá del programa de la disciplina. Que éste sea capaz de producir, oralmente y por escrito, enunciados de un mayor grado de complejidad, para poder tener un mejor comportamiento lingüístico, permitiéndole adaptarse lo más correctamente posible a los diferentes contextos sociolingüísticos.
ª Morphosyntas: I Complex phrase. Coordinative clause. Subordinate clause. Other forms. 2. Particulars in the usage of pronouns. 3. The verb: inflection II. Irregular verb.
4. Past participles. 5. Direct and indirect speech. 6. Adverbial locutions.
b. Theme nucleus: Themes, which approach social, economical and cultural aspects of the existing period, with respect to the students’ interests. These will serve to develop their comprehensive and oral expressions.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Activities related to the learning of the Spanish language: reading of small stories/news, identifying the key words, the main ideas, the theme; summarising it (oral and written work)
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Conteúdos a transmitir sob a forma de aulas presenciais teórico-práticas e avaliados através de mini-testes escritos, orais individuais e de grupo a realizar no espaço da aula.
Martín Peris, Ernesto; Gente 2, Barcelona, difusión, 1999,
González Hermoso, A: Español lengua extranjera. Curso práctico 2, Madrid,
Edelsa, 1996.
González Hermoso, A: Gramática de español lengua extranjera, Madrid, Edelsa,