Curricular Unit:Code:
Radio Laboratory774LRAD
1UndergraduateCommunication Sciences6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Learning objectives
1. Equip students with the skills to select, write and digitally edit pieces of communication, according to language and radio style.
2. Promote the development of cross-cutting skills when know-how in relation to the language of radio information genres.
3. Recognize new radio techniques in the digital age
4. Use of audio for different platforms and communication alums
5. Recognize and practice information and entertainment in radio programming.
1.Write to be heard.
2. From sound capture to the construction of journalistic radio text.
2.1. News, interview and radio reporting.
3. The use of audio for other speeches
3.1. Advertising
3.2.Entertainment programs
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
All contents are oriented to the acquisition of techniques for radio communication expression and to the acquisition of skills related to sound capture and audio editing.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching-learning strategy is theoretical and practical and laboratorial and are intended to simulate the environment of a radio newsroom.
The evaluation is done on an ongoing basis through:
From a written test (30%)
From a portfolio of small work developed in the classroom (20%)
From an individual work of construction of a radio program/podcast (30%)
From the construction of others laboratory works for radio (20%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Being a course geared towards the acquisition of technical skills in the field of radio journalism and radio entertainment, teaching methodology should be, as it is, theoretical-practical and laboratory.
GANZ, Pierre (1995) A reportagem em rádio e televisão, Mem Martins: Inquérito.
MONTANT, HENRI (2002) A entrevista escrita e o perfil. Lisboa: Inquérito, D.L.
MENESES, João Paulo (2016). Jornalismo radiofónico. [ebook]. Centro de estudos de comunicação e sociedade. Braga, Universidade do Minho.
Prado, Emílio (1989). Estrutura da Informação Radiofónica. São Paulo, Summus Editorial
REIS, Isabel (2011). A reconfigurão da temporalidade da rádio na era da internet, Comunicação e Sociedade, vol 20, pp. 13-28.
REIS, Isabel (2013). As notícias nos sites de rádio: contributos para a identidade da notícia ciber-radiofónica, Livro de Actas do II COBCIBER, pp. 224-243.
Sousa, Jorge Pedro e Aroso, Inês (2003). Técnicas Jornalísticas nos Meios Electónicos (princípios de radiojornalismo, telejornalismo e jornalismo online). Porto: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
CURVELO, Rita (2021). A rádio musical no panorama ibérico. Porto: Media XXI.