Curricular Unit:Code:
Communication Grammar I (History and Expansion of the Portuguese Language)774GRC1
1UndergraduateCommunication Sciences6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The student should master the research and production techniques with a view to the proper implementation of scientific work and to carry out scientific work in a transdisciplinary dimension; develop structuring skills of a theoretical and practical nature that will allow you to: know and critically appreciate some interpretative proposals of aspects of the history of the language, namely genesis, linguistic miscegenations of invaders and invaded, etymological and evolutionary issues; establish relationships with non-linguistic factors of a historical, political and social nature; recognize the projection of the portuguese language in the world at the linguistic, cutural, political, economic and social levels; understand the role of the CPLP
1. Methodology of intellectual work
1.1. reading and strategies for understanding of the text
1.2. collection and processing of information
1.2. 1. Notes, notes, underscores, of index, abstracts and summaries
1.3. scientific work
1.3. 1. features and structure
1.3. 2. standards for presentation
1.4. the curriculum vitae
2. History of the Portuguese language
2.1. from Latin to Galician-Portuguese
2.1. 1. etymological questions
2.1. 2. the phonetic evolution – the metaplasms
2.2. the galaico-Portuguese from 1200 to 1350
2.3. the European Portuguese of the 14th century to the present
2.4. Unity and variety of current Portuguese
2.4. 1. the Portuguese dialects in Europe
2.4. 1. the Portuguese in Brazil, in Africa and Asia
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents focus on History of the Portuguese language and the effective preparation of scientific papers according to the skills you want
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical tuition units, theoretical and practical sessions, practices and tutorials
Reading and synthesis of materials incidents in the methodology of intellectual work and in the history of the language
Semi-autonomous sub-divisions research
Development of productive capacities, critical, relational and general issues of valuation.
Group work-40
Participation and attendance in teaching component – 10
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Proposed methodologies are consistent with the goals formulated for curricular unit given a run for their money in the development-oriented study and on active participation of the student in such a way that it try and acquire tools that optimize its expression in the field of scientific communication and the specific terminology of the course. To the development of productive capacities, critical, relational and general issues of valuation.
Almeida, F. (2013). A origem da língua portuguesa. Lisboa, Chiado Books
Castro, I. (2006). Introdução à História do Português. Lisboa: Colibri.
Freixo, M. (2018). Metodologia Científica. Fundamentos, Métodos e Técnicas. Lisboa, Instituto Piaget
Isntituto Camões (2020). Disponível em
Manual de elaboração de trabalhos científicos da UFP
Santos, Silmara (2015) A importância da leitura no ensino superior. In Revista de Educação, Vol 9, n.º 9.
Tessyer, Paul (2001). História da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Livraria Sá da Costa Editora.
Venâncio, Fernando (2019). Assim nasceu uma língua. Lisboa: Guerra & Paz.