Curricular Unit:Code:
Opinion Studies1111EOPI
3UndergraduateCommunication Sciences6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The UC of Opinion Studies aims to study the instruments of research and analysis of public opinion and consumption, as well as being able to understand the main stages and instruments of the research process necessary for the implementation of a project for the survey Research.
Scientific observation of social and communication phenomena.
Define research problems.
Formulation of research questions.
Domain of the main collection instruments.
Treatment and qualitative analysis: conduct content analysis.
Choice of survey methods and data analysis.
1. Research definitions and functions.
2. Research preparation.
3. Research Proposals.
4. Secondary Information.
5. Qualitative Methodology.
6. Qualitative data Analysis.
7. Survey Methods.Sampling.
8. Scaling and Measurement.
9. Questionnaire design.
10.Research project
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Understanding the importance opinion research: Definitions and opinion Research Functions.
Apply the knowledge in solving real cases: Qualitative Research. Measurement and Measurement Scales. Attitude Scales and Validity Concepts and Confidence Levels. Questionnaires. Data Analysis.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The course uses a theoretical presentation and conceptual analysis. The classes are theoretical-practical, complementing the theoretical exposition with the application of exercises and practical cases in the classroom. Evaluation: Coursework and a written test (70%). Group project: qualitative opinion study (20%). Participation (10%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Using teaching methodologies such as: Theoretical and practical classes and Practices Discussion and resolution of practical cases Application of exercises of problem diagnostic Categorization exercises Construction of scales according to objective. Collection of qualitative data for the final project Allow students to reach the overall learning objectives by empowering students to be able to perform autonomously market research on consumer behavior.
Malhotra, N. (2020) Marketing Research, Global Edition. Prentice Hall, NJ.
Oliveira J. V. (2014) Marketing Research – Vol. 1 & 2, Sílabo, Lisboa
Hill M, Hill A (2005) Investigação por Questionário, Silabo, Lisboa
Magalhães P. (2011) Sondagens, eleições e opinião pública, FMS.
McDaniels, Bates (2003) Pesquisa de Mercados, Thompson
Bardin, L (2014) Análise de conteúdo - Edição revista e atualizada. - Lisboa : Ed. 70
Silverman, David (2017) Doing qualitative research a practical handbook Sage, London
Silverman, David (2017) Interpreting Qualitative Data, London Sage, London