Curricular Unit:Code:
Ethics, Law and Deontology of Communication1111EDDC
3UndergraduateCommunication Sciences6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) To be able to apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their field;
(ii) To show ability to solve ethical and deontological problems in professional and civil life and to be able to develop a personal argumentation;
(iii) To know how to gather, select and interpret the relevant information, especially in their scientific area, in order to be able to justify the decisions and judgments in professional field, especially from the point of view of their ethical relevance;
(iv) To have the learning skills to undertake further studies with some autonomy;
(v) To develop a critical and autonomous reasoning about the most important topics in the field of ethics and law in communication.
(vi) To understand the current legal reality.
(vii) To understand the different concepts of law;
Unit I–1. General definitions of ethics and morals. 1.2. The “Golden rule of ethics”.1.3.Communication as ethics of alteraty.1.4.Ethical relevance of memory.
Unit 2 – Topics: 2.1. Freedom of expression.2.2. Social networks and ethics.2.3. “Post-truth” and “fake news”.2.4. Between the commercial logic and professional’s mission.
Unit 3 – Notion and range of Law: 1. Essential notions: Justice, Equity, Judicial security, coercivity. Rights relating to personality. 2. Other notions: Law – Ethics – Deontology and their relation with media. 3. Main national, communitarian and international legal norms in the field of media. 4. Civil, criminal, labour, professional and deontological responsibilities of the professional in the field of SC. 5. Legislation in the field of media: Advertising Code, Journalist statute, journalist professional licence, Press Law and regulatory authority for the media. Legal regime applicable.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The entire syllabus aims at learning general goals (i) to (iv).
The learning goals (v) to (vii) are achieved with unit 3.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching methodologies include theoretical lecturing, debates of lawsuit statements related to specific bibliography, as well as thematic debates and personal reflections. Assessment includes two written tests and the resolution of lawsuits in-classroom. Final grade: Ethics (50%) + Law (50%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Discussions during classes on the topics of ethics in media enable the achievement of the goals both of the topics of ethics and of Law. In the field of ethics, students are stimulated to bring together knowledge and the skills to solve ethical and deontological problems in the media. Lecturing about the importance of Law in society and its connection to social reality as well as about the functioning of the rule of law and the framework of Media Law, and discussions of case studies enable the students to understand the basic principles of the Portuguese Media Law (through debates and discussions of case studies on civil and criminal responsibility, and on contractual freedom).
Achilles,D.;Gondar,J.(2016).A memória sob a perspetiva da experiência.Revista Morpheus 9(16) 174-196
Ash,T.G.2017.Liberdade de expressão.Dez princípios para um mundo interligado.Lx:Temas e Debates.
Batista Machado,J.,Introdução ao Direito e ao Discurso Legitimador,13ª reimp.,Almedina, Coimbra, 2013
Barrett-Maitland,N;Lynch,J.(2020).Social Media, Ethics and the Privacy Paradox:
Condesso,F. R, Direito da Comunicação Social, Lições, Coimbra, Almedina, 2007
Correia,L.B.(2005).Direito da Comunicação Social (Vol. II –Direito de Autor e da Publicidade. Coimbra: Almedina.
Lazer,D. 2018.“The science of fake news: Addressing fake news requires a multidisciplinary effort”. Science 359/6380:1094-1096
Martino,L.M.; Marques,A.C.(2019)”A comunicação como ética da alteridade”. Intercom – RBCC 42(3)21-40
La Taille,Y.(2016)”Moral e ética no mundo contemporâneo”.Revista USP 110, 29-42