Curricular Unit:Code:
Journalism Laboratory III: National and International Review793LJO3
1MasterCommunication Sciences (Journalism)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The unit Laboratório de Jornalismo III [Journalism Lab 3] tries to analyse and promote competences in the area of production of opinion articles for the media.
1. Beat journalism.
2. Opinion and analysis.
3. National commentary in different platforms.
4. Internacional commentary in different platforms.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
This practical and laboratory curricular unit seeks to approach everyday journalistic work in a hypermedia newsroom. Initially, emphasis will be placed on the basic aspects of journalistic language on different platforms through contents aiming at providing the masters students the opportunity to discuss, practice and develop technical skills, with specialized commentary reporting supervised production for such platforms, since ultimately, the purpose of the curricular unit is to contribute to prepare students to become successful professional journalists.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Laboratório de Jornalismo III [Journalism Lab 3] is a practical and laboratory curricular unit. The unit intends to propose consolidation and acquirement of knowledge and journalistic technical skills in the field of specialized reporting that will facilitate future performance as a professional journalist and join newsroom staff. Subsequently, and considering an ever necessary update of knowledge in the field of journalistic languages, what is intended during lessons and tutored sessions in essentially to supervise masters students in the production of hypermedia news reports in the chosen fields of expertise. The whole reporting process is followed: selection of topics; selection of approaches and ethical-deontological questioning; developing sources; newsgathering, and information processing, according to the principles of hypermedia journalistic expression; and dissemination through a specialized journalistic blog each graduate student is responsible for, from creation to contente management. The production of this blog and the subsequent publication of the journalistic contents produced in the scope of the curricular unit allow masters students to become familiar with professional environments simulated, and also to increase accountability to motivate students to perform at their best.
FERNÁNDEZ DEL MORAL, Javier (Coord.) (2004). Periodismo Especializado. Barcelona: Ariel.
Sousa, J. P. (2004): Fotojornalismo: Introdução à História, às Técnicas e à Linguagem da Fotografia na Imprensa. Florianópolis: Letras Contemporâneas.
Rodgers R. (2018) The Struggle for the Soul of Journalism: The Pulpit versus the Press, 1833-1923 (Journalism in Perspective). Missouri: University of Missouri.
Rosenstiel, Tom (2014) The Elements of Journalism. New York: Three Rivers Press.
Sousa, J. P. (2005): Elementos de Jornalismo Impresso. Florianópolis: Letras Contemporâneas.
Ward, S. (2018) Ethical Journalism in a Populist Age: The Democratically Engaged Journalist. New York:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers