Curricular Unit:Code:
Scientific Work Methodology1104MTC
1MasterCommunication Sciences (Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising)4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1. Critical reflection on methodologies for the production of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences. Historical and theoretical reflection. Discussion and understanding of how digital technologies transform the production of knowledge in contemporary societies.
2. Ability to understand and use research methodologies: qualitative and quantitative analysis. capacity for autonomous argumentation. Skills in the preparation and writing of research papers. Dissemination of research results.
1. Scientific research
1.1. Development and evolution of the epistemology of science
1.2. The scientific method and its use in the Humanities and Social Sciences
1.3. From scientific dialogue to interdisciplinarity
1.4. Scientific ethics, empirical and theoretical
1.5. Production of knowledge in digital media
2. Research Methodologies
2.1. Qualitative and quantitative methods
2.2. Management of online resources and software for the organization of scientific production
2.3. Drafting and writing of scientific papers
2.4. Presentation of results
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
To ensure proper knowledge and understanding of theoretical texts about research methodologies and methods, as well as a critical and reflective understanding of the field of knowledge, the first part of the program focuses on the study of theoretical concepts, as well as its background.
Regarding the application of knowledge to understand and use research methodologies - qualitative and quantitative analysis -, the second part of the program ensures and encourages the capacity for autonomous argumentation, exercising the necessary skills for the writing of research papers, as well as dissemination of research results.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Classes, which have a theoretical and practical nature, are divided into lectures, presentation of topics by the teacher, followed by a debate. There will also be a place for practical classes that aim to develop skills in the domain of tools for research, as well as methods and techniques for academic writing.
Evaluation includes critical reviews (50%) and a a Research Proposal (50%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The critical reviews aim to ensure that students have read and understood the scientific articles studied and discussed in the theoretical lessons, and are prepared to integrate them in the State of the Art of their thesis. The practical project aims to identify if the student is able to articulate the working methodologies highlighted in the practical lessons, using and applying the required technical skills to communicate in academic writing.
BRON, M.; VAN GORP, J.; RIJKE, M. (2016). Media studies research in the data-driven age. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 67(7), pp. 1535-1554. (b-on)
FORTIN, M.-F. (2009). Fundamentos e etapas do processo de investigação. Lusodidacta. (BRR 001.89/FOR/65991)
FREIXO, M. J. V. (2012). Metodologia científica. Piaget. (BFP 303/FLI/88974)
KETELE, J.-M. (1999). Metodologia da recolha de dados. Piaget. (BFP 303/PRA/7327)
MARTINS, G. (2007). Metodologia da Investigação Científica para Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Atlas. (BFP 001.89/MAR/49346)
POCINHO, M. (2012). Metodologia de Investigação e Comunicação do Conhecimento Científico. Lidel.
REPKO, A. F. (2008). Interdisciplinary research. Sage. (CECLICO 37.01/REP/57843)
SHNEIDERMAN, B. (2016). The new abcs of research. Oxford U P. (BFP 001.89/SHN/93612)