Curricular Unit:Code:
Journalism Laboratory II: Reference Weekly Newspapers and Magazines1103LJO2
1MasterCommunication Sciences (Journalism)7 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To develop skills in specialized reporting for the print and online press.
Journalistic techniques of obtaining and processing informations. News reporting for the print and online quality press.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
This course has essentially a technical, practical and laboratorial nature. It is intended that students master the techniques of journalistic reportage in the printed and online press. The entire course is designed to develop and improve such journalistic skills.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Practical and laboratory classes on news reporting. Individual work – news reporting. Presentation of news reports made by students in the classroom. Discussions. Assessment: continuous, encompassing oral defenses of the news reports made by the students and news reports (50%) and a test (50%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Being a course designed to develop the skills of journalistic reporting, we try to follow a teaching methodology based in practical and laboratorial classes, based on two principles: (1) learning by doing; and (2) learn from the mistakes and avoid them in later occasions.
FERNÁNDEZ DEL MORAL, Javier (Coord.) (2004). Periodismo Especializado. Barcelona: Ariel.
LIEB, T. (2008). All the News. Writing and Reporting for Convergent Media. London: Pearson.
SOUSA, Jorge Pedro e AROSO, Inês (2003). Técnicas Jornalísticas nos Meios Electrónicos. Porto: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
SOUSA, Jorge Pedro (2005): Elementos de Jornalismo Impresso. Florianópolis: Letras Contemporâneas.
SOUSA, Jorge Pedro (2004): Fotojornalismo: Introdução à História, às Técnicas e à Linguagem da Fotografia na Imprensa. Florianópolis: Letras Contemporâneas.
RICH, Carol (2015). Writing and Reporting News. A Coaching Method. London: Wadsworth Publishing.
PEÑA ACUÑA, Beatriz e JOVER LÓPEZ, Juan José, coord. (2017). Periodismo Especializado. Madrid: ACCI.
TRUJILLO, Tammy (2017). Writing and Reporting News You Can Use. London: Routledge.