Curricular Unit:Code:
Specialized Journalism I: Compared Cultural and Scientific Journalism793JES1
1MasterCommunication Sciences (Journalism)9 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Provide the student with skills that allow him to handle and use information and apply specialized knowledge in the cultural and scientific fields. Apply acquired knowledge and skills to journalistic production. Critically discuss cultural and scientific phenomena. Train the student with practical, verbal and textual theoretical skills in the field of u.c.
In short, the aim of this curricular unit is to provide guidelines towards a comparative perspective between scientific and cultural journalism and other areas of journalism, thus preparing the students for professional settings in the world of communication. The underlying goal is to reach an intellectual performance based on epistemological values and contexts acquired in the 1st cycle.
1. Cultural and scientific mediatization
2. Digital communication and cultural journalism
3. Functions and statutes of cultural criticism
4. Cinephilia, television series and social networks
5. Processes of writing and edition
6. Comparative analysis and production of journalistic texts
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The programatic contents deal with Culture and Science as a componente of the contemporary world. Both give place to autonomous events, which should be dealt with in a journalistic perspective. The latter evokes the interpelative and explanatory dimension of the newsfeed. It is also important here to deepen the reflection on the effects of mass culture on the dissemination of the taste (like) phenomena; of critically analysing the new statute of the spectacle; of contextualising and explaining the meadiatisation and trivialisation of Art and Science. Based on these the student will be able to develop the sense of journalistic communication directed to a specific reality. It is meant to foment in the student the need to consolidate knowledge about actuality in areas that go from cinema literature to medicine innovations. This is a skillset that will provide the student with an array of practical and theoretical means.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Oral works and exhibitions, preparation of an academic essay. Expositive, demonstrative and deductive methodologies are used, applied based on creative strategies. Knowledge sharing and commitment to a learning ethic is valued. The evaluation consists of theoretical-practical work and oral presentations and an academic essay. In terms of weighting, the essay is worth 50%, the assignments 30% and the oral performance 20%.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The adopted methodologies focus on three essential topics: demonstration of the informative value of Science and Culture; theoretical explanation about the aesthetical and epistemological meaning of the maters dealt by the journalistic text; the students will also learn how to do a comparative analysis of texts and content production. In this way, the students will have a skillset that will allow them to produce a coherent discourse that enables one to be creative, original and rigorous in the writing of a journalistic piece, reinforcing the symbolic value of the chosen themes.
Benton, Joshua (2018) O irreversível declínio dos media tradicionais, in Electra, Fundação EDP, Lisboa
Gradim, A. (2000) Manual de Jornalismo, Livros LabCom, Universidade da Beira Interior, 2000
Júdice, Nuno; ABC da Crítica. D. Quixote, Lisboa, 2010
Portela, A.; (1988) “A galáxia de Bill Gates e a responsabilidade cultural do jornalismo", Bizâncio, Lisboa
Hargraves, Hunter (2018) “The Urgency and Affects of Media Studies” in Cinema Journal Vol. 57, University of Texas at Austin
Kristina Riegert, Anna Roosvall, and Andreas Widholm; (2018) “Cultural Journalism”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication
Zelizer, B. (2016) What Journalism Could Be. Cambridge: Polity Press